List of resources for our projects. Feel free to add more if you want.
- Public apis list of free public API's.
Lists of packages:
- Open base amazing database of packages.
- IDB This is a tiny (~1.05k brotli'd) library that mostly mirrors the IndexedDB API, but with small improvements that make a big difference to usability. You can see a video about how to use it made by google here!.
- Boring Avatars Boring avatars is a tiny JavaScript React library that generates custom, SVG-based avatars from any username and color palette.
Compatibility Tools:
- What we can do today information of what your browser is capable of doing and how to do it with code examples.
- Can I use information about which method and feature is supported by each browser.
Wireframing & Diagram Tools:
See some wireframing examples from previous Solo projects here and here. Made with
- How to Structure Your Data with Firebase (Cloud Firestore) 14 min If you are considering using Firebase checkout this design video.
⚠️ When searching for YouTube videos or tutorials online, make sure to check the date of creation, as the software versions mentioned or used in the tutorial might be outdated. Things are changing fast in the web development world, and you might find yourselves following a tutorial that has been superseded by another version with breaking changes.