This script -
- is a simple pacman helper for Arch Linux that provides syntax similar to apt. For example, pac install <package>
instead of pacman -S <package>
. It can be useful to those who, like me, sometimes forget the proper pacman flags to use.
The script implements a subset of apt commands (as well as a few apt-inspired commands) and translates them to corresponding pacman invocations.
This script is not:
- a full-featured pacman wrapper
- a port of apt to Arch
- a replacement for AUR helpers like yay
Clone the repo and copy or symlink the script to a directory that's in the $PATH:
$ git clone
$ ln -s $(realpath pac/ ~/.local/bin/pac
If you happen to have a binary called pac
already installed (check with which pac
), then just use another name for the symlink.
(for listing dependencies)curl
(for downloading packages)
Run pac
with no arguments to get an overview of the supported commands:
$ pac
Usage: pac command
Available commands:
search <string> Searches for packages matching <string>
show <package> Returns information about <package>
list --installed Lists all installed packages
--manual Lists all manually installed packages
--upgradable Lists all upgradable packages
--all Lists all available packages
depends <package> Shows a list of dependencies for <package>
rdepends <package> Shows a list of packages that depend on <package>
install <package> Installs <package>
download <package> Downloads <package> to current directory
cache <package> Downloads <package> to pacman cache
remove <package> Removes <package>
autoremove <package> Removes <package> and all its unneeded dependencies
autoremove Removes all unneeded dependencies
clean Removes unneeded cached packages and sync database
upgrade, dist-upgrade Performs a full system upgrade
- add more apt subcommands (download, etc.)
- check that pacman exists / OS is Arch