Baca README ini dalam Bahasa Indonesia.
Indonesian NLP is underrepresented in research community, and one of the reasons is the lack of access to public datasets (Aji et al., 2022). To address this issue, we initiate NusaCrowd, a joint collaboration to collect NLP datasets for Indonesian languages. Help us collect and centralize Indonesian NLP datasets, and be a co-author of our upcoming paper.
To install NusaCrowd, install the nusacrowd
package in your python environment
pip install nusacrowd
To use NusaCrowd package, simply import the library in your code:
import nusacrowd as nc
NusaCrowd provides functions for listing and loading all datasets that are implemented in NusaCrowd
# List all datasets
dset_names = nc.list_datasets()
# Load a single dataset based on the dataset name
smsa_dset = nc.load_dataset('smsa')
# Load multiple datasets based on the dataset names
dset_dict = nc.load_datasets(['emot', 'smsa'])
In addition to dataset related functions, NusaCrowd also provides additional functions for listing and loading some Indonesian NLP benchmarks
# List all benchmarks
benchmark_names = nc.list_benchmarks()
# Load all dataset in a benchmark
nusanlu_dsets = nc.load_benchmark('NusaNLU')
You can contribute by proposing unregistered NLP dataset on our record. Just fill out this form, and we will check and approve your entry.
We will give contribution points based on several factors, including: dataset quality, language scarcity, or task scarcity.
You can also propose datasets from your past work that have not been released to the public. In that case, you must first make your dataset open by uploading it publicly, i.e. via Github or Google Drive.
You can submit multiple entries, and if the total contribution points is already above the threshold, we will include you as a co-author (Generally it is enough to only propose 1-2 datasets). Read the full method of calculating points here.
Note: We are not taking any ownership of the submitted dataset. See FAQ below.
Yes! Aside from new dataset collection, we are also centralizing existing datasets in a single schema that makes it easier for researchers to use Indonesian NLP datasets. You can help us there by building dataset loader. More details about that here.
Alternatively, we're also listing NLP research papers of Indonesian languages where they do not open their dataset yet. We will contact the authors of these papers later to be involved in NusaCrowd. More about this is available in our Slack server.
NusaCrowd do not make a clone or copy of the submitted dataset. Therefore, the owner of any submitted dataset will remain to the original author. NusaCrowd simply build a dataloader, i.e. a file downloader + reader so simplify and standardize the data reading process. We also only collect and centralize metadata of the submitted dataset to be listed in our catalogue for better discoverability of your dataset! Citation to the original data owner is also provided for both NusaCrowd and in our catalogue.
The license for a dataset is not always obvious. Here are some strategies to try in your search,
- check for files such as README or LICENSE that may be distributed with the dataset itself
- check the dataset webpage
- check publications that announce the release of the dataset
- check the website of the organization providing the dataset
If no official license is listed anywhere, but you find a webpage that describes general data usage policies for the dataset, you can fall back to providing that URL in the _LICENSE
variable. If you can't find any license information, please note in your PR and put _LICENSE="Unknown"
in your dataset script.
You can upload your dataset publicly first, eg. on Github.
If you have an idea to improve or change the code of the nusa-crowd repository, please create an issue
and ask for feedback
before starting any PRs.
Yes, you can ask for helps in NusaCrowd's community channel! Please join our WhatsApp group or Slack server.
We greatly appreciate your help!
The artifacts of this hackathon will be described in a forthcoming academic paper targeting a machine learning or NLP audience. Please refer to this section for your contribution rewards for helping Nusantara NLP. We recognize that some datasets require more effort than others, so please reach out if you have questions. Our goal is to be inclusive with credit!
title={NusaCrowd: Open Source Initiative for Indonesian NLP Resources},
author={Samuel Cahyawijaya and Holy Lovenia and Alham Fikri Aji and Genta Indra Winata and Bryan Wilie and Rahmad Mahendra and Christian Wibisono and Ade Romadhony and Karissa Vincentio and Fajri Koto and Jennifer Santoso and David Moeljadi and Cahya Wirawan and Frederikus Hudi and Ivan Halim Parmonangan and Ika Alfina and Muhammad Satrio Wicaksono and Ilham Firdausi Putra and Samsul Rahmadani and Yulianti Oenang and Ali Akbar Septiandri and James Jaya and Kaustubh D. Dhole and Arie Ardiyanti Suryani and Rifki Afina Putri and Dan Su and Keith Stevens and Made Nindyatama Nityasya and Muhammad Farid Adilazuarda and Ryan Ignatius and Ryandito Diandaru and Tiezheng Yu and Vito Ghifari and Wenliang Dai and Yan Xu and Dyah Damapuspita and Cuk Tho and Ichwanul Muslim Karo Karo and Tirana Noor Fatyanosa and Ziwei Ji and Pascale Fung and Graham Neubig and Timothy Baldwin and Sebastian Ruder and Herry Sujaini and Sakriani Sakti and Ayu Purwarianti},