Implementation of a modified Cactus Kev's Poker Hand Evaluator library in Rust. Code inspired and lookup tables borrowed from Vladislav Supalov's pokereval-rs library, which in turn was inspired by Cactus Kev's work in C.
The primary entity in the library is a PokerCard
. PokerCard
is a u32
variant of Cactus Kev's binary representation of a poker card. The variation
being that the Suit
bits order is inverted for easier sorting by other
p = prime number of rank (deuce=2,trey=3,four=5,...,ace=41)
r = rank of card (deuce=0,trey=1,four=2,five=3,...,ace=12)
SHDC = suit of card (bit turned on based on suit of card)
b = bit turned on depending on rank of card
This library contains only the bare bones implementation of the library, and is no-std to maintain maximum utility with embedded and wasm Rust.
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