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Property Selection Window

MIT License Godot Engine

A powerful Godot plugin that streamlines property management with an intuitive interface. Designed for seamless integration with the Godot editor, it enhances your development workflow through advanced filtering, type-based organization, and efficient property handling.

Property Selection Window Preview


Property Tree

  • Hierarchical property visualization
  • Intelligent organization and nesting
  • Real-time value previews
  • Responsive layout with proper scaling

Advanced Filtering

  • Performance-optimized search with debouncing
  • Type-based filtering system
    • Custom Classes are recognized
  • Toggleable engine property visibility

Property Management

  • Automatic type detection and formatting
  • Circular reference protection
  • Real-time value monitoring
  • Multi-select with checkbox support
  • Persistent selection states
  • Bulk selection operations


Via Asset Library

  1. Open the Godot Asset Library within your project
  2. Search for "Property Selection Window"
  3. Download and install the plugin

Via Git

git clone

Enable the Plugin

  1. Navigate to Project → Project Settings → Plugins
  2. Locate Property Selection Window
  3. Enable the plugin via the checkbox


Basic Usage

var property_selector =
    target_node,            # Node to inspect
    initially_selected,     # [Optional] Pre-selected properties
    show_hidden_properties, # [Optional] Show engine properties
    type_filter,           # [Optional] Initial type filter
    callback               # [Optional] Selection callback

# Handle selections
func _on_properties_selected(selected_properties: Array[String]):
    print("Selected:", selected_properties)

Advanced Features

# Filtering
property_selector.set_type_filter(TYPE_FLOAT)    # Filter by type
property_selector.set_filter("position")         # Search filter
property_selector.toggle_hidden_properties(true) # Show all properties

# Tree Management
property_selector.expand_all()      # Expand all nodes
property_selector.collapse_all()    # Collapse all nodes
property_selector.refresh_tree()    # Refresh property tree

# Property Operations
if property_selector.property_exists("position"):
    var type = property_selector.get_property_type("position")
    var value = property_selector.get_property_value("position")
    property_selector.set_property_value("position", Vector2(100, 100))

API Reference


Signal Description
properties_selected(selected_properties: Array[String]) Emitted when properties are confirmed

Core Methods

Method Description
create_window(...) Creates and displays the property selection window
set_target(new_target: Node) Updates the target node
set_filter(filter_text: String) Applies a search filter
set_type_filter(filter: int) Sets type-based filtering
toggle_hidden_properties(show: bool) Controls visibility of engine properties

Utility Methods

Method Description
expand_all() Expands all tree items
collapse_all() Collapses all tree items
refresh_tree() Refreshes the property tree
get_all_properties() Returns available properties
property_exists(property_name: String) Checks property existence
get_property_type(property_name: String) Returns property type
get_property_value(property_name: String) Retrieves property value
set_property_value(property_name: String, value: Variant) Sets property value

Integration Example

Example integration with TimeRewind2D plugin:

Time Rewind Integration

func _open_property_selector_window(time_rewind: Node2D) -> void:
    if not is_instance_valid(time_rewind):
        push_error("TimeRewind2D: Invalid time_rewind instance")
    if not is_instance_valid(time_rewind.body):
        push_error("TimeRewind2D: Invalid body reference")

    var property_selector =
    var rewindable_properties = time_rewind.get("rewindable_properties") or []

        func(selected_properties: Array[String]):
            time_rewind.set("rewindable_properties", selected_properties)


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch (git checkout -b feature/NewFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add NewFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/NewFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

Built for the Godot community