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VR plugin for Koikatsu Sunshine (main game and studio)


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VR Plugin for Koikatsu and Koikatsu Sunshine

A BepInEx plugin for Koikatsu (KK/KKP) and Koikatsu Sunshine (KKS) that allows you to play the main game and studio (Sunshine only) in VR. The difference from the official VR modules is that you have access to the full game/studio, while the official modules have limited features and spotty mod support.

Currently only the standing (aka room-scale) mode is fully supported.

The main game part is a fork/port of the KoikatuVR/KK_MainGameVR plugin developed by mosirnik, vrhth, KoikatsuVrThrowaway and Ooetksh.

The studio part is a fork of the KKS_CharaStudioVR plugin.


  • Koikatsu or Koikatsu Sunshine
  • Latest version of BepInEx 5.x and KKSAPI/ModdingAPI
  • SteamVR
  • A VR headset supported by SteamVR
  • VR controllers


  1. Make sure BepInEx, KKAPI / KKSAPI and all their dependencies have been installed.
  2. Download the latest release for the corresponding game. Make sure you get the right version or the plugin won't work and might even break your game.
    • KK_VR is for Koikatu (the Japanese release)
    • KKParty_VR is for Koikatsu Party (the Steam/international release)
    • KKS_VR is for Koikatsu Sunshine (the sequel)
  3. Extract the zip into the game folder (where the abdata and BepInEx folders are).
  4. Create a shortcut to Koikatu.exe and/or KoikatsuSunshine.exe and/or CharaStudio.exe, and add --vr to the command line. If you use a custom launcher from IllusionLaunchers you may be able to start from within it, depending on the version.

The game (not the studio) also can be launched without any added arguments if SteamVR is running.


  • A plugin CrossFader.dll, this plugin won't launch.
  • A plugin Stiletto, IK Manipulator won't work.


  • Be advised to set InterPupillary Distance (IPD) in the settings to change the scale of the world according to own taste and used hardware.
  • If VR mode doesn't launch, make sure that neither of controllers is asleep during game launch.
  • For best compatibility use together with KK HF Patch or KKS HF Patch.

Controls in the main game and FreeH


There are two controllers for each hand with identical functional without any tools or modes.
There is no input customization or helping texts. Designed to be able to do any action with a single hand.
The only means of movement are native in-game functions and GripMove, no Warp.
No double clicks, only Short or LongPress for buttons and DirectionalInput for Touchpad. The sole function of Menu button is to toggle the floating menu's visibility.

The plugin assumes that VR controller has:

  • Grip used as a Grab button. Grabs things to move them around.
  • Trigger used as an Action button. Performs actions where applicable or completes their wait period if one is already queued but not yet determined whether it's a Short or LongPress.
  • Touchpad aka Thumbstick aka Joystick used as a Generic button. Never requires a click in non-centered positions.

Modules and their inputs:


Grab the world and move around oneself.
Available in Any Scene as the last priority action i.e. when no better actions are available.

  • Grip to start GripMove.
  • Trigger while in GripMove to manipulate Yaw while using controller as an axis.
  • Touchpad while in GripMove with pressed Trigger to manipulate Rotation of the camera.
  • Touchpad while in GripMove without pressed Trigger to become Upright. Registers after LongPress.

Has settings for stabilization. Depending on the context may behave differently.

Impersonation aka PoV

Assume orientation of a character head and follow it loosely.


Available in H Scene outside of character interactions.

  • Touchpad to start, stop, change or reset Impersonation. Registers after LongPress.
  • Touchpad while in Impersonation and in GripMove with pressed Trigger to set custom offset.

Has settings for gender preferences and automatization.

Assisted kiss/lick

Attach the camera to a partner's PoI to follow it.


Available in H Scene when the camera is in direct proximity to the said PoI. Outside of the caress positions requires GripMove.

  • Grip while Assisted to start altered version of GripMove to acquire precise offsets on the fly. The long gap between the camera and the PoI will cause disengagement.
  • Trigger while Assisted and not in GripMove to stop the action and disengage.

Has plenty of settings for customization.

Controller representation

Native in-game items serving as the controller representation.


Available in Any Scene as the last priority action i.e. when no better actions are available.
They won't go inside of things easily, preferring instead to stick to the surface.

  • Touchpad with pressed Trigger to cycle available items.
  • DirectionHorizontal with pressed Trigger to cycle through item animations.

IK Manipulator aka Grasp

Alter currently playing animation on the fly.


Available in H, Talk and Text Scenes when interacting with a character i.e. controller is in close proximity to it.

  • Grip to start Grasp i.e. hold relevant bodyParts and reposition them with the controller movements.
  • Trigger while in Grasp and the visual cue of the held bodyPart is green to attach it.
    Currently only to self/different character or controller. Hand holding.
  • Trigger while in Grasp to extend the amount of held bodyParts, up to the whole character. Registers after ShortPress.
  • Trigger while in Grasp to extend the amount of held bodyParts temporarily. Registers after LongPress.
  • Touchpad while in Grasp to reset currently held bodyParts to default offsets.
  • Touchpad while not in Grasp to reset relevant bodyPart to the default offset. Registers after LongPress.
  • Touchpad while not in Grasp but in Impersonation to start or stop the synchronization of a relevant bodyPart with the controller. Registers after LongPress.
  • DirectionHorizontal while in Grasp and the main held bodyPart is the hand to scroll through it's animations. Goes full circle then resets to the animation's default.
  • DirectionHorizontal while in Grasp and holding the whole character to change Yaw.
  • DirectionVertical while in Grasp and holding the whole character to move in direction of the camera.
  • DirectionVertical while in Grasp to Show/Hide guide objects of held bodyParts. Temporarily overrides setting.

Setting Maintain limb orientation changes drastically behavior of arms.

Menu interaction


Available in Any Scene when aiming controller at the floating in-game Menu.

  • Grip to grab Menu.
  • Touchpad while holding Menu with pressed Trigger to abandon it in the world.
  • DirectionHorizontal while holding Menu to change it's size.
  • DirectionVertical while holding Menu to move it in controller direction.

H Interpreter

Available in H Scene, relies heavily on SensibleH, without it many functions will be unavailable.
Described horizonal directions assume the right controller, for the left controller the directions will be mirrored.


  • DirectionLeft to choose random position from the current category. Registers after LongPress. Add Trigger for any available position.
  • DirectionRight to enter PointMove. Registers after LongPress.
  • DirectionVertical on partner's bodyPart to (un)dress it.


  • DirectionLeft to exit PointMove.
  • DirectionRight to choose one at random and exit PointMove. Registers after LongPress.
  • DirectionVertical to scroll through available categories.


AutoCaress can be overtaken in any way by Assisted kiss/lick.

  • Grip on attached caress item while in AutoCaress to take the manual control.
  • Trigger on attached caress item to start AutoCaress. Registers after LongPress.
  • Trigger on attached caress item while in AutoCaress to stop it.
  • Trigger while in manual control of a caress item to squeeze. Might not always work if AutoCaress still runs some other item.
  • DirectionDown on attached caress item while not in AutoCaress to detach it.
  • DirectionDown while not in AutoCaress to prompt the partner to initiate the kiss. Limited to the caress positions. Registers after LongPress.
  • DirectionHorizontal on attached caress item to toggle it's visibility.
  • DirectionHorizontal while an attached caress item is present to scroll through animations. Limited to caress positions.

Service, Intercourse

  • DirectionUp to insert, start, finish, change speed. Registers after LongPress.
  • DirectionUp with pressed Trigger to opt for an options without voice . Registers after LongPress.
  • DirectionUp with pressed Touchpad to opt for anal if applicable. Can be used with pressed Trigger. Registers after LongPress.
  • DirectionDown to set condom, pullout, stop, change to outside during climax, change speed. Registers after LongPress.
  • DirectionHorizontal to scroll through animations.

Talk/Text Interpreter

Available in Talk and Text Scenes.

  • Trigger on partner's bodyPart to provoke a reaction.
  • DirectionVertical on partner's bodyPart to (un)dress it.
  • DirectionVertical to scroll buttons on the left side of the screen or choices from the text scenario.
  • DirectionHorizontal to select/deselect current button/category.
  • DirectionHorizontal to click on previous action. Registers after LongPress.
  • DirectionHorizontal while text is visible to advance the text scenario.
  • DirectionHorizontal while text is visible to toggle Auto. Registers after LongPress.

Roaming Interpreter

Available in Roaming Scene.

  • Trigger to start locomotion.
  • DirectionUp to interact or speed up.
  • DirectionDown to crouch or stand up.
  • Horizontal direction to turn.

Controls in CharaStudio

Warning: This section was written for KK_MainGameVR and is out of date. Some sections may be inaccurate or flat out wrong.

This plugin assumes that your VR controller has the following buttons/controls:

  • Application menu button
  • Trigger button
  • Grip button
  • Touchpad or Thumbstick

You may need to tweak button assignments in SteamVR's per-game settings if your controllers don't natively have these. See the Controller Support section for a list of known-to-work controllers.

In the game, each of the controllers has 3 tools: Menu, Warp and School/Hand. Only one of them can be active at a time. You can cycle through the tools by pressing the Application menu button. Each controller has a cyan icon indicating which tool is currently active.

When any of the tools is active, you can press and hold the Application menu button to see in-game help on button roles.

Menu tool

The menu tool comes with a little screen on which game menus, icons and texts are shown. You can use the other controller as a virtual laser pointer, and pull the Trigger to click on the screen. Most game interactions (specifically, the ones that don't involve touching 3D objects) are done this way.

Pressing the Grip button while the Menu tool is active causes the screen to be detached and left at the current position in the 3D space. Pressing it again reclaims the screen.

A laser pointer can also generate a right click (Touchpad right), middle click (Touchpad center) and scroll up/down (Touchpad up/down). You can also grab a detached screen by holding Grip. Press and hold the Application menu button while the laser is visible to see help about this.

Warp tool

The warp tool allows you to move around in the 3D space.

Use the touchpad to teleport. Before you finish teleporting, you can draw a circle along the rim of the trackpad (or similarly rotate the thumbstick) to change your would-be orientation after teleporting.

Holding the Grip button takes you into grab action. Here you can move around by "grabbing" the world. If you additionally press Trigger, you can also rotate the world. Pressing both Trigger and the touchpad gives you the full power of general 3D rotation, allowing you to turn a wall into the floor, for example. Double click the touchpad to become upright again.

Grab action is also avaible in the school and hand tools.

School tool and Hand tool

These tools are collections of Koikatsu-specific action commands and simulated mouse/keyboard inputs. The hand tool is for H scenes, and the school tool is for all other scenes. Other than that, these two are similar to each other. The button mappings are configurable for each of them separately. The default for the school tool is:

  • Trigger: Walk (Roam mode)
  • Grip: Grab action
  • Touchpad up: F3
  • Touchpad down: F1
  • Touchpad left: Turn left
  • Touchpad right: Turn right
  • Touchpad center: Right mouse button

For the hand tool:

  • Trigger: Left mouse button
  • Grip: Grab action
  • Touchpad up: Mouse wheel scroll up
  • Touchpad down: Mouse wheel scroll down
  • Touchpad left: (unassigned)
  • Touchpad right: Right mouse button
  • Touchpad center: Middle mouse button

For touchpad inputs, you need to press the touchpad or click the thumbstick. Just touching the touchpad or tilting the thumbstick won't be recognized. Exceptions to this rule are mouse wheel scroll actions and rotate actions, which only require touching.


Warning: This section was written for KK_MainGameVR and might not be accurate, especially in Studio.

This plugin has a lot of configuration options. It is recommended that you use ConfigurationManager, which allows you to change settings of this plugin from within the game.

Controller Support

At the moment, most VR controllers seem to work out of the box with this plugin. Below is an incomplete list of the current support status. If your controllers are not listed here, please let us know if they work or not (either edit this file or create a new issue).

Works out of the box

  • Oculus Rift / Rift S / Quest 2
  • Valve Index
  • Vive

HTC Vive

Works out of the box.

HP motion controllers

The following button assignments are needed:

  • Enumlated trackpad: (remove assignments)
  • B and Y buttons: Application Menu Button
  • Joystick: Trackpad position & value

In addition, you need to make it "pretend to be Oculus Touch controllers".

Common issues

Can't click on the virtual screen

This plugin requires that the game window on the Windows desktop is visible and not covered by something else.

Framerate is low

If you experience a framerate drop when the camera approaches a character, particularly in an H scene, then the bottleneck is likely your GPU. I'd suggest turning down the antialiasing setting using the GraphicsSettings plugin. If that is not enough, consider disabling some visual effects or reducing the rendering resolution in SteamVR.

If you experience a low framerate when roaming in main game, try disabling expensive plugins or reducing the number of characters that can be loaded at the same time (on left in roster).

Building (for developers)

You should be able to open the solution in Visual Studio 2019 and just hit Build to build everything.


VR plugin for Koikatsu Sunshine (main game and studio)







  • C# 98.6%
  • Other 1.4%