- https://github.com/JoshMerfeld/geospatialdataR
- ekdis.ac.kr (KDIS students only -- you will turn in your assignments here, but everything else is hosted on GitHub)
This course will provide an introduction to geospatial data with R. We will review different data formats (e.g. shapefiles, rasters, etc.), as well as methods to extract and visualize the data.
There are quite a few (free!) resources available online to help you learn R.
In addition to online resources, TA sections in this course will be devoted to help with R. Bring all your questions there!
- An Introduction to Spatial Data Analysis and Visualisation in R: This document is a bit dated but provides a nice review of geospatial data. For up-to-date R functions, please use the following two resources.
- The sf package: This website provides an overview of the sf package, which we will use for visualizing maps.
- The terra package: This website provides an excellent overview of geospatial functions available in the terra package.
There are some great slide decks that are extremely helpful:
- Grant McDermott's slides: https://github.com/uo-ec607/lectures (these slides focus on data science and R)
You can find the slides (and any data we will be using) for each week under their respective folders (weeks/). Most weeks will have just a single slide deck. Note that in each week's folder, you can also find the raw .Rmd file that I used to create the slides. You might find these helpful, though you are by no means required to look at them.
- Week 1: You can find the slides for the the week here: week 1 slides.
- Week 2: You can find the slides for the the week here: week 2 slides.
- You can find the data for week 2 in the week2files folder.
- Week 3: You can find the slides for the the week here: week 3 slides.
- You can find the data for week 3 in the week3files folder.
- Week 4: You can find the slides for the the week here: week 4 slides.
- You can find the data for week 4 in the week4files folder.
- Week 5: In-class lab
- Week 6: You can find the slides for the the week here: week 6 slides.
- You can find the data for week 6 in the week6files folder.
- Week 7: You can find the slides for the the week here: week 7 slides.
- You can find the data for week 6 in the week7files folder.
- Week 8: You can find the slides for the the week here: week 8 slides.
- You can find the data for week 6 in the week8files folder.
- Week 9: TBD
- Week 10: TBD
I will post your assignments here, under the assignments folder.