SMB Provider for Apache commons-vfs (Virtual File System) based on jcifs-ng
This is pretty much the code for the CIFS provider available in the Commons VFS Sandbox changed slightly to account for the API changes between the original JCIFS and JCIFS-NG.
- You must provide the versions of Commons VFS (tested with 2.1 and 2.2), and jcifs-ng (tested with 2.0.4, and 2.1.0-SNAPSHOT) that you wish to use.
- Commons VFS uses Apache Commons Logging and JCIFS-NG used SLF4J, so to get full logging you need to account for both.
- JCIFS-NG apparently needs Unlimited Crypto enabled for the JVM, but that may depend on servers you are connecting to.
- I didn't implement support for the deprecated practice of putting the credentials in the url. You can provide the credentials in either the CIFSContext or using StaticUserAuthenticator.
- By default the SingletonContext will be used, but you can provide a customized CIFSContext using SmbFileSystemConfigBuilder.setCIFSContext()
- An example of using StaticUserAuthenticator for authentication and a custom CIFSContext:
import jcifs.CIFSContext;
import jcifs.CIFSException;
import jcifs.config.PropertyConfiguration;
import jcifs.context.BaseContext;
import org.apache.commons.vfs2.*;
import org.apache.commons.vfs2.auth.StaticUserAuthenticator;
import org.apache.commons.vfs2.impl.DefaultFileSystemConfigBuilder;
import java.util.Properties;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) throws CIFSException, FileSystemException, URISyntaxException {
if (args.length != 3) {
System.err.println(" Usage: Example <server> <username> <password>");
final String host = args[0];
final String username = args[1];
final String password = args[2];
final URI uri = new URI("smb", host, "/C$", null);
// authentication
StaticUserAuthenticator auth = new StaticUserAuthenticator(null, username, password);
// jcifs configuration
Properties jcifsProperties = new Properties();
// these settings are needed for 2.0.x to use anything but SMB1, 2.1.x enables by default and will ignore
jcifsProperties.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.enableSMB2", "true");
jcifsProperties.setProperty("jcifs.smb.client.useSMB2Negotiation", "true");
CIFSContext jcifsContext = new BaseContext(new PropertyConfiguration(jcifsProperties));
// pass in both to VFS
FileSystemOptions options = new FileSystemOptions();
DefaultFileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance().setUserAuthenticator(options, auth);
SmbFileSystemConfigBuilder.getInstance().setCIFSContext(options, jcifsContext);
final FileSystemManager fsManager = VFS.getManager();
try (FileObject file = fsManager.resolveFile(uri.toString(), options)) {
for (FileObject child : file.getChildren()) {