There are two folders corresponding to either vertical or horizontal polarisation at the TX
Inside each is a series of .mat files labelled with client and access point locations. These are shown in the paper. The mat file also specifies what arm position is used.
These mat files contain several arrays. There are three corresponding to the directional antenna in three wrist mounted positions. There is one for the omnidirectional pattern (same for all positions) There is a final one representing the switching antenna which is the maximum achieved by one of the others to simulate switching.
In these arrays the 36 values are RX power, one for each ten degree rotation of client in azimuth
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- S. Dumanli, L. Sayer, E. Mellios, X. Fafoutis, G. Hilton and I. Craddock. Off-Body Antenna Wireless Performance Evaluation in a Residential Environment. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, August 2017. In Press.