An ASP.Net C# e-comerce based app using MVC entity framework and Bootstrap.
The application is associated with an SQL database, related to the sale of cleaning products and
services in which you need to make purchases or orders. 🛒
P.S: This project was part of one my ASP.NET courses in college
This modules are the basic tasks, but in reality the Models & Controller layer in the project are way more complex to handle all the relations between them.
P.S: It's safe to mention that the code was written in Spanish as a requirement for my course
Management for user type: Client / Administrator
- Client:
- Register, edit, delete and display information.
- Login phase with email and password requirement.
- Update password.
- Can review all his purchases and coupons.
- Administrator:
- Can access to all functions except from sensitive user information, like passwords.
- Can access to all functions except from sensitive user information, like passwords.
Used Session property to display user information in the layout
- List of products displayed all by default.
- Used JQuery Ajax to filter by product type to make the selection easier.
- Can add products to cart from the main page and display their description.
- An order can be registered without being authenticated.
- The order will not got through if the user is not authenticated.
- The purshase will be on hold until you press the yellow button that will take care of pricing and discounts.
- Details information will be available on the user profile.
- Each new user will start with an Unranked placement.
- The ranks will change depending on past purchases.(Used colones(â‚¡) Costa Rica currency)
- Ranks:
- Unraked: Starter rank
- Bronze: â‚¡10.000 +
- Silver: â‚¡20.000 +
- Gold: â‚¡40.000 +
- Diamond: â‚¡60.000 +
Coupons represent discounts or royalties, the higher the level, the higher the customer compensation.
- Coupons are registered by the administrator.
- Each coupon is associated with a product and a customer level, this way we can control if the product that is on the cart is elegible for a discount.
- The administrator can assign one use coupons for each user, just by typing his email(If the user's rank is diferent from the coupon rank, the coupon cannot be assinged).
- Each user can look at his available coupons and can interact with them.
- Coupons can be used only if the coupon item is on the shopping cart.
Coupon exchange:
- The administrator is responsible for registering coupon redemption.
- Once the exchange is registered, the coupon does not appear as available to the client.
- The client can see a detail of the exchange record.