This repo contains code used for performing super-resolution on mutual capacitance images gathered from a regular pixel array of impedance sensors.These have been noted below and each file is explained in further detail.
In order to use this repo, there are certain packages required in order to make everything work correctly. They have been listed below:
- pickle
- h5py
- matplotlib
- numpy
- cv2
- skimage
- scipy
- Before use of this repo, it is necessary to create a data folder that containins the h5 files that someone may want to run.
- is the main work horse script that all other super resolution scripts is based off of. It is for linear deconvolution
- is the shift-sum equivalent to the linear deconvolution method mentioned above.
- includes all functions used for linear deconvolution and shift sum scripts.
- was the script used to generate the different distance composite images.
- is the script used to make the line profiles through algae.
- was the script used to make the different distance composite images. It was not used for the paper submission.
- was used to make the figure comparing the microscope, reference, and the impedance image.
- is the script used to make the three raw images and three super-resolution cosmarium figure.
- is the script used to make the three raw images and three super-resolution pediastrum figure.
- is a script used to show off the array of 120 impedance images used in that big 11x11 array. This is for the figure for pediastrum and for cosmarium
- is a script used to generate MSE plots from the images gathered in It requires running to first gather the .npy files of the reconstructions.
- is a script used to find algae by comparing the optical microscope image against the full raw impedance image to look for certain algae to do super-resolution on.
- is a script used to determine which parameters were best for the high pass filtering after linear-deconvolution method
- is a script that was NOT FINISHED for our semiconductor sensor, but hopes to demonstrate the spatial-resolution superiority of the linear-deconvolution method over the shift sum method.