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Folders and files

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How to sync folders to an ubuntu instance running ion an ec2 instance

Creating an instance on AWS

Log into AWS 

Navigate to the location and change to Ireland 

Once that is Done navigate to the EC2 Instance and click launch

Choose what Amazon image you want running on the machine 

Then choose an Instance type, how big you want your machine to be

Configure the instance details : Network is DevOps Student: Subnet is default and enable the public IP

Add or remove storage at your discretion

Add tags to your Instance : Name + Value

Configure the Security Group : Needed for operational security 

You have now created an EC2 Instance running Ubuntu 16.04

Now to sync the files from your desktop to the vm

Syncing folders

Open up your AWS folder

Navigate to your environment folder

Create a file

Enter the modules you need in order to run your application then exit the file

To sync the folders, you will need to create a file INSIDE your environment folder

Inside the setup file add the ssh links needed to sync your aws folder to the AWS environment

scp -i ~/.ssh/DevOpsStudents.pem -r ~/Documents/aws/app/ ubuntu@'    'WEB SERVER IP GOES HERE'          ':/home/ubuntu/

Once this is done exit the file

Inside the environment folder, run the file by using the command


This will sync the app folder to the Ubuntu image file, the provision file and finally it wil call the provision file to run installing all of Modules needed to run the applications

To stop the application

Open GIT BASH as admin and run this command to access the VM

ssh -i ~/.ssh/DevOpsStudents.pem ubuntu@ 'WEB SERVER IP GOES HERE'

To stop the application

cd app
pm2 stop 0

Making sure it runs on port 8080

ssh into the VM

ssh -i ~/.ssh/DevOpsStudents.pem ubuntu@ 'WEB SERVER IP GOES HERE'

cd to the upper level, do this twice

cd into etc

cd into nginx

cd into the conf.d

run the command sudo nano nodeapp.conf

add this

server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  development.local;

    location / {

cd back to top level

cd into app

runt the command

sudo systemctl restart nginx

Then run the command

pm2 start app.js

Go to


It will be running without the : 3000

Getting Posts to work

In app provision file put this export here

echo "export DB_HOST=mongodb://DATABASE IPV4 GOES HERE:27017/posts" >> ~/.bashrc

Add the line to call the bashrc file

Provision the DBec2 to have mongo running using the command

sudo systemctl start mongod

You should see a green light that tells you mongo is running

Make sure your DB EC2 has the port 27017 and set to the security group of the webapp ec2

This is to make sure the servers are aware of each other

ssh in to your web app

write env to see if your export command works 

cd into the app folder


npm install

The database should now be populated


node app.js 

if that doesnt work run

npm test 

if it doesnt work run

pm2 kill 


pm2 start app.js     

Put in your web app ip address, it should be running now

Integrating a CI/CD Pipeline

We Start with the Continuous integration first:

To do this, create a new freestyle project on your jenkins for the settings

Discard old builds
    log rotation
        Max days = 1
Git Hub project 
    project URL = Your https URL 

365 Connector 
    follow the instructions to create a 365 webhhok and past the link in the box

restrict whrere this project can run 
    sparta ubuntu 

Source code management:
    git - Yes
        Repo URL is the SSH one you can get 
        Credentials are linked with a ssh certificate you have made already 
    Branches to build 

Build Triggers:
    GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling - yes 

Build Environment
    Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH - auto filled boxes is what you want

    Execute Shell
        cd app
        npm install 
        #sudo killall node 
        npm test

Post-build Actions:
    Build Other Projects - give id of other project to run once this CI is done 
    Git Publisher 
        Push only if Build Succeeds - Yes
        Merge Results - Yes
            Branches to push  - master
            Target remote name - origin

You have now done your CI, we move onto Continuous Deployment

Discard old builds
    log rotation
        Max days = 1
Git Hub project 
    project URL = Your https URL 

365 Connector 
    follow the instructions to create a 365 webhhok and past the link in the box

Source code management:
    git - Yes
        Repo URL is the SSH one you can get 
        Credentials are linked with a ssh certificate you have made already 
    Branches to build 

Build Triggers:
    Build after other projects are built
        Projects to watch - ID of your CI build

Build Environment
    Provide Node & npm bin/ folder to PATH - auto filled boxes is what you want
    SSH Agent
        Credentials - Specific credentials - add the ssh key you used to log to your EC2 web app 

    Execute Shell
        scp -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -r app/ ubuntu@ 'WEB SERVER IP GOES HERE' :/home/ubuntu/
        scp -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" -r environment/ ubuntu@'WEB SERVER IP GOES HERE':/home/ubuntu/environment/
        ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking=no" ubuntu@'WEB SERVER IP GOES HERE' <<EOF
            sudo bash ./environment/app/
            cd app
            sudo pm2 kill
            sudo pm2 start app.js 

Now go onto your AWS EC2 Dashboard and allow for incoming rules the IP address of your Jenkins server

You have now made a CD, congrats you have now made a CI/CD Pipeline!

Any changes that are pushed, will be reflected upon inside your web server


This is a Repo on the basics of CI and CD







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