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Releases: HomeBay/re-mapbox


23 Dec 04:51
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Now using v.1.2.0 of the mapbox-gl-draw package, which was the release where the maintainers converted it to ES6. Because of this, the package needed to be imported by this project in an ES6-friendly way (e.g. use the "default" export from the package).


26 Oct 04:20
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🚨 Breaking

  • Mapbox.GL.Map.source has been merged with Mapbox.GL.Style.Source.t. You can still access all the same fields via functions and values there (instead of ## notation)
  • Mapbox.GL.Map.eventData has been moved to Mapbox.GL.Map.Event.t. The type is no longer just an alias for Js.Dict.t(Js.Json.t) but there are helpers to treat it as such.

✨ New

  • Map event helper functions (like onClick and onLayerMouseEnter) are now zero-cost bindings
  • Way more of those are now included -- all of the map-specific on events -- but there's still some work left to be done for layer on events and off handlers
  • Different types of event produce different payloads, so you can safely access fields like point and lngLat and Mouse and Touch events


29 May 22:16
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🚨 Breaking changes

  • Mapbox.GL.Marker now uses abstract types for its bindings, rather than Js.t objects. This makes it consistent with all of the other types
  • The GeoJSON interop has been moved out of here and into a separate repository with more complete tests, more accurate encoding, and decoding built in

✨ New features

Release v0.3.0 with navigation controls

18 Mar 20:50
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Slowly filling in more functionality and renaming things for consistency and to help avoid mistakes.

🚨 Breaking changes

  • Map.create and Map.createExn are now Map.make and Map.makeExn
  • Map.Options.LogoPosition is now Map.Options.Corner and it's used to control the placement of Control elements as well
  • The duration field is now durationMs to make the units more clear in AnimationOptions (but the compiled output is unchanged)

✨ New Features

  • Create NavigationControl components and add them to the map

Release 0.2.0

25 Jan 23:21
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  • Bump underlying Mapbox version to 0.52
  • Remove runtime cost of converting map config to the format Mapbox wants
  • Add several new config properties, including the ability to set initial map bounds


25 Jun 19:14
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Add map##resize() method to forcefully redraw the map.


22 Jun 20:53
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Basic functionality allows for creating a Map and placing Markers on it.