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codecov Build and Test

hololisp is a lisp-1 bytecode-compiled single-threaded small toy programming language.


hololisp takes inspiration from popular lisp dialects, primarily scheme. It includes bytecode compiler and interpreter, along with tracing garbage collector.

hololisp supports primitive data types:

  • Numbers (internally represented as IEEE754 doubles)
  • Conses
  • Symbols

Language features include:

  • Variables
  • Closures
  • Conditionals
  • Builtin forms (+, =, list and others)
  • User-defined functions
  • C FFI
  • Functions with variadic number of arguments
  • Macros
  • REPL



hololisp is currently tested on arm64 macOS and Linux amd64.

By default, hololisp is compiled in release mode. If you want to compile in debug mode add DEBUG=1 flag to make.


make test

hololisp testing is divided in two parts: unit testing and system-wide functional testing. Unit testing is done using acutest. System-wide testing is done using small programs located in .sh files found in tests directory.

Code coverage can be collected if non-empty COV flag is passed to make:

make test DEBUG=1 COV=1


hololisp can be used in three modes: REPL, executing script files, and executing command strings.

To execute script pass its name to the program executable:

hololisp examples/game_of_life.hl

REPL session looks like this:

$ hololisp
hololisp> (define x 100)
hololisp> x
hololisp> (+ x (* x 100))

To execute command string pass it after -e flag:

$ hololisp -e "(+ 1 2)"


(defmacro (compare pred pivot)
  (list 'lambda (list 'it) (list pred 'it pivot)))

(define (qsort lis)
  (when lis
    (let ((pivot (car lis)) 
          (lis (cdr lis)))
        (qsort (filter (compare < pivot) lis))
        (list pivot)
        (qsort (filter (compare >= pivot) lis))))))

(print (qsort (list 5 6 2 1 4 5 2 6 3 9 1)))
; (1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 9)

Examples can be found in the 'examples' directory.

List of examples: