Releases: HoTT/Coq-HoTT
Releases · HoTT/Coq-HoTT
What's Changed
- github754: make this test work again by @jdchristensen in #2104
- ImpredicativeTruncation: redo using universe annotations by @jdchristensen in #2103
- fix coqdoc warnings by @Alizter in #2108
- Idempotent ring elements by @Alizter in #2105
- add note about building documentation locally to by @Alizter in #2109
- chore: remove Cubical.v indexing file by @Alizter in #2111
- istrunc_self_implies_istrunc by @ThomatoTomato in #2112
- rename istrunc_inhabited_istrunc by @Alizter in #2119
- small style tweaks in Loops.v by @Alizter in #2120
- demote priority of cocartesian monoidal structure by @Alizter in #2117
- Better ring constructors by @Alizter in #2114
- more polymorphic terminal unit and initial empty by @Alizter in #2116
- ind_homotopy lemma for FreeAbGroup by @Alizter in #2113
- cleanup: make into aliases: easy -> done, now -> by by @Alizter in #2122
- lax monoidal functors by @Alizter in #2115
- Equivalence cleanups by @jdchristensen in #2124
- subgroup and ideal preimage, ideal extension by @Alizter in #2118
- Constant.v: variants without Funext; cleanups by @jdchristensen in #2126
- Sequential.v Cocone.v Monoidal.v: small fixes to comments by @jdchristensen in #2125
- Prove Yoneda-like result for paths, and required lemmas by @jdchristensen in #2129
- Matrix: use strip_reflections to avoid extra universe variables by @jdchristensen in #2130
- Minor fixes to Truncations/Core, Ideal, Bool, Empty by @jdchristensen in #2131
- [coq] Overlay for rocq-prover/rocq#18385 by @ejgallego in #1951
- chore: update nix flake by @Alizter in #2110
- move twist construction into its own file by @Alizter in #2132
- cleanup: unused tactics by @Alizter in #2133
- Naturality of coequalizer universal property w.r.t. functor_coeq by @gio256 in #2106
- introduce implicit arguments for sig_rec by @Alizter in #2137
- generalise nat_mod_one_l to nat_mod_lt by @Alizter in #2139
- reorganise finite sums (in abgroups) into their own file by @Alizter in #2140
- Minor cleanups by @jdchristensen in #2142
- Overture: replace comment about Funext class by @jdchristensen in #2141
- cleanup in FinNat by @Alizter in #2138
- Theorem 5.8.2 from the book: characterizations of identity types by @ThomatoTomato in #2143
- Add variants of transport_paths_FlFr by @Alizter in #2150
- double recursion for join by @Alizter in #2151
- cleanup in CayleyDickson and fix #2149 by @Alizter in #2152
- functoriality of span pushouts by @Alizter in #2145
- Path spaces of graph quotients, coequalizers, and pushouts by @ThomatoTomato in #2147
- Misc cleanups by @jdchristensen in #2154
- cleanup: remove Misc.v by @Alizter in #2157
- move NullHomotopy.v to Homotopy/ by @Alizter in #2158
- Injective Types by @doolster in #2153
- remove NullHomotopy from by @Alizter in #2160
- functor_coeq_idmap by @Alizter in #2162
- functoriality lemmas for sum by @Alizter in #2161
- mathclasses improvements (
for group inverses) by @Alizter in #2159 - add and use more Join_ind lemmas by @Alizter in #2165
- add implicit arguments to FreeGroup_rec by @Alizter in #2167
- better induction principles for FreeProduct + cleanup by @Alizter in #2168
- add transport_paths_FFr and remove unused arg in transport_paths_FFlFFr by @Alizter in #2166
- Functoriality results for Colimits by @ThomatoTomato in #2170
- forall y, Decidable (x = y) is an hprop by @jdchristensen in #2169
- make maximal_subgroup a printed coercion by @Alizter in #2177
- add more usable group cancellation lemmas by @Alizter in #2176
- remove implicit arguments in trivial_subgroup and maximal_subgroup by @Alizter in #2175
- abgroup_group is a functor by @Alizter in #2174
- complete and organise grp_moveL_1M type lemmas by @Alizter in #2173
- improve normal subgroup lemmas by @Alizter in #2179
- add functoriality lemmas for pushout by @Alizter in #2163
- fix notations in subgroup lemmas by @Alizter in #2182
- trivial and maximal subgroup are normal by @Alizter in #2181
- conjugation of group elements by @Alizter in #2178
- Improve mapping out of a generated subgroup by @Alizter in #2180
- group unit lemmas by @Alizter in #2189
- improvements to trivial group by @Alizter in #2186
- some helpful lemmas for FreeGroup by @Alizter in #2183
- group of maximal subgroup of a group is iso to said group by @Alizter in #2187
- quotient by a trivial group by @Alizter in #2188
- some remaining exercises in Chapter 2 by @Theongck in #2190
- Defining properties of maxima and minima, lemmas for the take operation in lists, lists from sequences. by @thchatzidiamantis in #2192
- Commutators, commutator subgroups and three subgroups lemma by @Alizter in #2185
- lemmas about subgroup product by @Alizter in #2193
- maximal subgroups by @Alizter in #2194
iso lemmas and all trivial subgroups are iso by @Alizter in #2195- definition of simple group by @Alizter in #2196
- Misc cleanups to PathGroupoids, Equiv, HProp and BoundedSearch by @jdchristensen in #2198
- quotient is trivial iff subgroup is maximal by @Alizter in #2197
- Variants of decidable_exists_nat by @jdchristensen in #2199
- minor cleanups in Groups/ by @Alizter in #2200
- cleanups and improvements to lagrange by @Alizter in #2203
- image of a subgroup by @Alizter in #2201
New Contributors
- @doolster made their first contribution in #2153
- @thchatzidiamantis made their first contribution in #2192
Full Changelog: V8.20...V9.0
This update of the Coq-HoTT library brings together the culmination of much work over the last few months. Major additions include theory on bifunctors, monoidal categories, non-commutative rings, matrices, modules and general improvements to the algebra library. There was also a systematic effort to improve the definition and theory of various types such as Int
, nat
and list
. Theory about divisibility and prime numbers was developed leading to a partially finished proof of the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
New Contributors
- @ThomatoTomato made their first contribution in #1991
- @ndcroos made their first contribution in #2050
Full Changelog: V8.19...V8.20
What's Changed
- (2,1)-cat structure for paths by @Alizter in #1902
- better definition of monoidal 1-category by @Alizter in #1894
- pointed truncation preserves products by @Alizter in #1906
- more movement lemmas for WildCat/Equiv.v by @Alizter in #1914
- cleanup and document Group.v by @Alizter in #1911
- I-indexed coproducts in pType by @Alizter in #1907
- Add missing coherences from WildCat/Paths.v to PathGroupoids.v by @Alizter in #1908
- noncommutative rings by @Alizter in #1912
- truncation level of lists by @Alizter in #1917
- left R-module basics by @Alizter in #1916
- coproduct-product inclusion map by @Alizter in #1919
- cleanup lists by @Alizter in #1920
- bifunctor improvements by @Alizter in #1925
- Symmetric Monoidal Categories by @Alizter in #1915
- Trick to make Is1Cat definitionally involutive by @jdchristensen in #1934
- bump to dune 3.13 by @Alizter in #1910
- opposite rings by @Alizter in #1940
- cleanup Basics/ by @Alizter in #1942
- shorter proofs of monoidal structure in Products.v by @Alizter in #1943
- Monoidal: convenient naturality lemmas by @Alizter in #1944
- rename cat_coprod_prod_incl -> cat_coprod_prod by @Alizter in #1946
- Opposite pointed category by @Alizter in #1948
- cleanup in AbGroups by @Alizter in #1949
- Bool: add convenient variant of negb_ne by @Alizter in #1947
- redefine Bifunctor by @Alizter in #1952
- JoinAssoc: tiny fix to join_associator by @jdchristensen in #1955
- WildCat: generalize a couple of proofs from Bifunctor.v to Prod.v by @jdchristensen in #1954
- monoids and comonoids in a monoidal category by @Alizter in #1953
- Prove coproduct type ap functoriality by @Theongck in #1960
- move Int/ -> BinInt/ by @Alizter in #1962
- abstract out some idioms for dealing with decidable types by @Alizter in #1956
- finite sums of ring elements by @Alizter in #1959
- more theory about lists by @Alizter in #1957
- Prove that the universal property of pullback is an equivalence by @Theongck in #1966
- Unary integers by @Alizter in #1964
- chore: cleanup 8.11 compat by @Alizter in #1967
- Matrix Rings by @Alizter in #1965
- cleanup NatTrans.v by @Alizter in #1968
- make opposite Is1Natural definitionally involutive by @Alizter in #1969
- further coherence conditions for monoidal categories by @Alizter in #1970
- fix notation warnings in 8.20 by @Alizter in #1972
- subrings by @Alizter in #1971
- finite sums and modules by @Alizter in #1975
- left action on negation by @Alizter in #1974
- injectivity of nat addition by @Alizter in #1973
- more lemmas about matrix transpose by @Alizter in #1978
- interaction of scalar and matrix multiplication by @Alizter in #1976
- fix universes in Vector.v by @Alizter in #1980
- theory of diagonal matrices by @Alizter in #1977
- more theory about matrix traces by @Alizter in #1979
- bump min version to 8.19 by @Alizter in #1985
- [8.19] fix % in Arguments warnings by @Alizter in #1862
- fix universes in list library by @Alizter in #1984
- drop extra universe in istrunc_sigma by @Alizter in #1986
- nix: add coq master to nix flake by @Alizter in #1989
- chore(ci): update to checkout@v4 by @Alizter in #1990
- fix universes in vector by @Alizter in #1987
- Rings: remove some universe variables by @jdchristensen in #1993
- More flexible WildCat.Paths instances by @Alizter in #1994
- recommend coq-lsp over vscoq by @Alizter in #1996
- 1-Cat instance for MatrixCat by @ThomatoTomato in #1991
- integer group powers by @Alizter in #1995
- Make some WildCat.Path instances Global, and use them by @jdchristensen in #1997
- fix nix flake by @Alizter in #1998
- fix universes in Matrix.v by @Alizter in #1999
- upper/lower triangular matrix rings by @Alizter in #1981
- symmetric matrices by @Alizter in #2001
- skew-symmetric matrices by @Alizter in #2002
- comonoid objects in opposite category are monoids by @Alizter in #2004
- invertible ring elements by @Alizter in #2005
- add comment to Products.v by @Alizter in #2010
- composed bifunctor instances by @Alizter in #2011
- rename opposite initial/terminal instances by @Alizter in #2012
- opposite monoidal categories by @Alizter in #2013
- switch to Int in cring_Z by @Alizter in #2000
- more on coproducts by @Alizter in #2014
- drop HasEquiv instance by @Alizter in #2017
- fix naming of monoidal instances in (co)products.v by @Alizter in #2018
- right R-modules by @Alizter in #2019
- free abelian groups by @Alizter in #2020
- notations for left and right module actions by @Alizter in #2024
- abgroup coequalizers by @Alizter in #2023
- move SuccessorStructure.v over to using Int by @Alizter in #2027
- consolidate injectivity predicate by @Alizter in #2025
- fix induction principles for nat by @Alizter in #2026
- remove IsUnitPreserving from GroupHomomorphism by @Alizter in #2029
- tensor products of abelian groups by @Alizter in #2021
- Minor updates to comments and whitespace by @jdchristensen in #2032
- introduce Coeq_ind_hprop and use it by @Alizter in #2033
- better looking terms in presentation test by @Alizter in #2031
- revise definition of normal subgroup by @Alizter in #2030
- ci: python -> python3 by @Alizter in #2036
- Fix binding of type_scope to Sortclass by @Alizter in #2038
- Cleanup of Nat.v part 1 by @Alizter in #2028
- Use lemmas from Nat.Core in Colimits/Sequential instead of custom ones by @jdchristensen in #2039
- Cleanup of Nat.v part 2 by @Alizter in #2040
- EMSpace: every n-connected and (n+1)-truncated type is an EM space by @jdchristensen in #204...
Release Highlights
- Yoneda lemma using 0-groupoids by @jdchristensen in #1745
- HITs: fix inconsistencies from several HITs by @jdchristensen in #1758
- Wildcat improvements by @jdchristensen in #1766
- Associativity of Join, and lots more by @jdchristensen in #1768
- Susp is a 1-functor; Join Bool A <~> Susp A; etc. by @jdchristensen in #1771
- Naturality of join_assoc and trijoin_twist by @jdchristensen in #1783
- wildcat: show Universe is a 2-cat by @Alizter in #1778
- Join: prove unitors, triangle law, and hexagon law by @jdchristensen in #1784
- trijoin_id_sym is natural; export more from HSpace/Core by @jdchristensen in #1786
- 2-cat of pointed types by @Alizter in #1795
- Updates to EMSpace, Join/Core, HSpaces/* and other things by @jdchristensen in #1796
- pHomotopy, pmap_postwhisker by @jdchristensen in #1797
- 1-category of successor structures by @Alizter in #1799
- πₙ(Sⁿ) = Z, and other cleanups by @jdchristensen in #1800
- CayleyDickson: some cleanups, remove funext by @Alizter in #1801
- Add pmap_from_psphere_iterated_loops, and needed lemmas by @jdchristensen in #1803
- wildcat: binary products by @Alizter in #1804
- Make IsTrunc an inductive type by @jdchristensen in #1806
- symmetry and associativity of products by @Alizter in #1813
- A strengthening of Freudenthal's theorem for H-spaces by @jarlg in #1814
- add prod_0gpd_corec by @Alizter in #1815
- Hartogs: improve speed, reorganize by @jdchristensen in #1816
- Truncatedness of pointed maps and pForall by @jdchristensen in #1819
- New proof and generalization of Licata-Finster theorem by @jdchristensen in #1821
- coproduct symmetry and associativity by @Alizter in #1828
- Wedge of a family of pType by @Alizter in #1829
- Displayed Wild Categories by @gio256 in #1832
- flattening for pushouts + total space of Hopf construction by @Alizter in #1840
- Colimits and Hopf: clean up and speed up by @jdchristensen in #1843
- wedge projections by @Alizter in #1844
- pinch map of suspension by @Alizter in #1845
- functoriality of binary coproducts by @Alizter in #1847
- characterize fiber of loop-susp counit by @Alizter in #1850
- transport011: transport over 2 1-paths and lemmas about them by @Alizter in #1853
- Flattening lemma for GraphQuotient by @Alizter in #1851
- functoriality of GraphQuotient by @Alizter in #1856
- flattening lemma for Coeq, Pushout and improvements to Hopf by @Alizter in #1857
- Equivalences for displayed wild categories by @gio256 in #1859
- add universe constraints in GraphQuotient by @Alizter in #1812
- Improvements to make_equiv by @jdchristensen in #1869
- Clean-ups to Spaces/Int/ and Spaces/Pos/ by @jdchristensen in #1870
- Add instances isconnected_em' and is_minus_one_connected_pointed by @jdchristensen in #1871
- Pointed/Core and Classes/theory/groups by @jdchristensen in #1872
- HIT/quotient: fix universe variables, and uses in Classes by @jdchristensen in #1873
- Generalize quotient_kernel_factor, and use it in Ordinals.v by @jdchristensen in #1874
- Groups for a pointed wildcat, and other things about pointedness by @jdchristensen in #1876
- redefine DPath as transport and cleanup proofs by @Alizter in #1880
- Indexed products and coproducts by @gio256 in #1878
- add missing coherence for TwoOneCat by @Alizter in #1897
- Update bifunctors by @gio256 in #1886
- [Chapter 1 Exercise] Solved by @MintChocoManju in #1901
- functoriality of smash by @Alizter in #1892
- Zero-groupoid universal property for coequalizers by @gio256 in #1900
New Contributors
- @Columbus240 made their first contribution in #1776
- @khalid586 made their first contribution in #1792
- @gio256 made their first contribution in #1832
- @MintChocoManju made their first contribution in #1901
Full Changelog: V8.18...V8.19
Coq Platform release V8.13.1
This tag exists as the install version of the HoTT library for Coq Platform.