Step 1: Create a new repository on your Github account named "repo-exercise". Ensure that "Add a README file" is selected.
Step 2: Open the Terminal and authenticate using gh (Github CLI): "gh auth login"
Step 3: Create an authentication token in your Github account with specified scopes given in the terminal. Copy it from Github and paste it. Verify authorization was successful.
Step 4: Clone the repository using its GitHub CLI. "gh repo clone / "
Step 5: Move to the repo directory by using "cd "
Step 6: Download and add the"result.txt" to the repository folder on your local machine
Step 7: In the Git terminal, run the "git status" command.
Step 8: Verify that the output shows "result.txt" as an untracked file.
Step 9: Run the command "git add result.txt"
Step 10: Run the "git status" command again.
Step 11: Verify that the output shows "result.txt" as a tracked file.
Step 12: Next, run the "git commit" command and specify the commit message as "Successful exercise"
Step 13: Verify that the output shows "result.txt" with create mode
Step 14: Next, run the "git push" command.
Step 15: Verify that the output pushed successfully.
Step 16: On Github, go to your repository page.
Step 17: Verify that the "result.txt" file is listed. You may need to refresh the page to see the changes.