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The repository contains multiple algorithms for 1D and 2D barcode localization proposed in different papers in the past years. The repository contains the tools to measure the performance of those algorithms


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BarBeR: Barcode Benchmark Repository

The repository contains multiple algorithms for 1D and 2D barcode localization proposed in different papers in the past years. The repository contains the tools to measure the performance of those algorithms

Installation Instructions

To build the libraries you first need to install:

  • OpenCV for C++ (v4) and OpenCV-contrib (Instructions here)
  • Install Boost with the following command: sudo apt -y install libboost-filesystem-dev (ubuntu). For windows, follow these instructions.

Then, you can build the repository using CMake:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cmake --build .

To install all required Python libraries run this command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Download the Dataset

The dataset can be downloaded from this Link. Once Unzipped, you will find 2 folders inside: "Annotations" and "dataset". If you place these two folders directly inside the BarBeR folder there is no need to change the paths of the configuration files.

Saved Models

One Saved Model for every architecture and scale can be downloaded from here. Unzip the folder and place "Saved Models" directly inside the main repository folder.


The repository has been developed with Linux as the main target OS. However, it should be possible to build the project also on Windows. The code is not architecture-specific and it's possible to build and run all the tests on different architectures. Both x86-64 and ARM architectures have been tested without any reported issues.


  • algorithms: Contains a Python class for every localization algorithm available. In particular, the available classes are:

  • config: contains the .yaml configuration files for each Python script that needs a configuration file. These configuration files are examples and can be modified depending on the configuration needed.

  • python: contains all Python files, including all test scripts. In particular:

    • runs a set of detection algorithms on the test set considering only barcodes of one class i.e. 1D or 2D. The test measures precision, recall, F1-scores, mAP0.5, and mAP[0.5:0.95] of all methods.
    • runs a set of detection algorithms on the test set considering all images. The test measures precision, recall, F1-scores, mAP0.5, and mAP[0.5:0.95] of all methods.
    • runs a set of detection algorithms on the test set (or part of it) and measures the mean processing times of all methods.
  • scripts: contains bash scripts to run pipelines of Python files (useful for k-fold cross-validation)

  • results: contains the results produced by running the tests. Results are divided into 2 categories:

    • reports: are .yaml files generated after running a Python test
    • graphs: are .png files representing a graph generated using one or multiple .yaml reports

All other folders are needed to compile the necessary libraries when building the repository.

Generate Train-Test Split Annotations

For a test we need COCO annotations divided into train.json, val.json, and test.json. To configure how to split the annotations, we use a configuration file. An example is config/generate_coco_annotations_config.yaml. With the configuration file, we can select which files to use and which annotations, the train-test split size, and if we are using K-fold cross-validation. The script used to generate the annotation is python/, which takes as input a configuration file and optionally the index k, which indicates the index of the current cross-validation test.

python3 python/ -c ./config/generate_coco_annotations_config.yaml  -k 0

If we also need to train an Ultralytics model, we need YOLO annotations, which will be generated with the following command:

python3 python/ -c ./annotations/COCO/ -o "./dataset/

Test Single-Class Detection Test

The Python script that runs the Single-Class detection test is The inputs are a configuration file and a path to the result report destination. In this repository, there are three working examples of configuration files, one for single-ROI 1D barcode detection (./config/test1D_singleROI.yaml), one for multi-ROI 1D barcode detection (./config/test1D_multiROI.yaml), and one for single-ROI 2D barcode detection (./config/test1D_singleROI.yaml).

Multi-Class Detection Test

The Python script that runs the Single-Class detection test is The inputs are a configuration file and a path to the result report destination. In this repository, there is one working configuration file for multi-class detection (./config/test_multiclass.yaml)

Example multi-class detection Test:

python3 python/ -c "./config/test_multiclass.yaml" -o "./results/reports/test_multiclass_640_0"

Time Benchmark

The Time Benchmark is used to measure the processing time of different localization methods. In this case, the test runs on all images of the dataset, comprising the training set, validation set, and test set. The script to perform a timing test is and the required inputs are a path to a configuration file and a path to the destination folder for the generated report. A configuration file example is config/timing_config.yaml.

Example Timing Benchmark:

python3 python/ -c "./config/timing_config.yaml" -o "./results/reports/test_time_640_0"

Draw Graphs from the results

To generate a graph from the results generated by a Single-Class Detection Test run python3 python/visualizer/ To generate a graph from the results generated by a Multi-Class Detection Test run python3 python/visualizer/

To change the path of the input reports, change the variable 'base_path' present in both scripts. In the case of a single class detection test, it's necessary to select the right barcode type changing the variable type, which could be '1D' or '2D'. Graphs will be generated in the folder results/graphs.

Train a deep-learning model

To train a model with Ultralytics run python/ A configuration file is needed (e.g. config/ultralytics_training_config.yaml), as well as an output path for the trained model (Default is Saved Models).

To train a model with Detectron2 run python/ A configuration file is needed (e.g. config/detectron2_training_config.yaml), as well as an output path for the trained model (Default is Saved Models).

To train a Zharkov model run Zharkov2019/ A configuration file is needed (e.g. config/zharkov_training_config.yaml), as well as an output path for the trained model (Default is Saved Models).

K-fold cross-validation

To run K-fold cross-validation, it would be necessary to run the scripts multiple times manually. Since running the scripts multiple times and changing the configuration each time would take too much time, it is possible to automate the process using a bash script. The python file python/ is used to generate a new configuration each time, so, to change the settings of a K-fold cross-validation test the file python/ must be changed accordingly. Scripts can be used also to train multiple networks, each with a different test set.

Example train 5 Ultralytics networks:

source scripts/

Example train 5 Detectron2 networks:

source scripts/

Example train 5 Zharkov networks:

source scripts/

Example run 5 single-class tests with 1D barcodes:

source scripts/

Example run 5 single-class tests with 2D barcodes:

source scripts/

Example run 5 multi-class tests:

source scripts/

Testing a New Localization Algorithm

  • The localization method must be defined inside a new python file (e.g. and the file must be placed inside the algorithms folder
  • Define a class with the implementation of the algorithm. To ensure compatibility, the new class should inherit from the abstract class "BaseDetector" defined in algorithms/
  • A detector must have at least these two methods: detect and get_timing
  • detect works on a single image and outputs a list of detected bounding boxes, a list with the classes of the detections, and a list of confidence scores (between 0 and 1 if available, otherwise None)
  • get_timing returns the processing time of the last detection in milliseconds. The use of perf_counter_ns is advised, because it has a high resolution (around 100ns) on both Linux and Windows. The output of perf_counter_ns should then be divided by 1e6.
# Defining the new class inside algorithms/
from detectors_abs import BaseDetector

class NewDetector(BaseDetector):
 def __init__():
 def detect(self, img):
 def get_timing(self):
  • To enable the new algorithm in a test, it should be added to the algorithms list in the configuration file used in the test. Check the available configuration files in the Repository for the exact syntax required


The repository contains multiple algorithms for 1D and 2D barcode localization proposed in different papers in the past years. The repository contains the tools to measure the performance of those algorithms








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