Combining a modified Bitcoin Core infrastructure with an intercompatible version of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), Qtum merges the reliability of Bitcoin’s unfailing blockchain with the endless possibilities provided by smart contracts. Designed with stability, modularity and interoperability in mind, Qtum is the foremost toolkit for building trusted decentralized applications, suited for real-world, business oriented use cases. Its hybrid nature, in combination with a first-of-its-kind PoS consensus protocol, allow Qtum applications to be compatible with major blockchain ecosystems, while providing native support for mobile devices and IoT appliances.
- Clone project
- Install CocoaPods
To install CocoaPods on your computer.
$ gem install cocoapods
ios version 8+.
Using Terminal open project folder and enter following command to load and connect required libraries
$ pod install
- Install Carthage
You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:
$ brew update
$ brew install carthage
Using Terminal open project folder and enter following command to load and connect required libraries
$ carthage update --platform iOS
Using Terminal open project folder and enter following command to create configuration file
$ ./configure
Open the project and in the config.xcconfig file change APP_SERVER_HOST
Open the project and in the config.xcconfig file change APP_IS_MAINNET_SETTINGS to YES/NO
In BTCAddress+Extension.m file set required enum value
CustomBTCPublicKeyAddressVersion = 58,
CustomBTCPrivateKeyAddressVersion = 128,
CustomBTCScriptHashAddressVersion = 50,
CustomBTCPublicKeyAddressVersionTestnet = 120,
CustomBTCPrivateKeyAddressVersionTestnet = 239,
CustomBTCScriptHashAddressVersionTestnet = 110,
– HTTP Client'MTBBarcodeScanner'
– QR-Code/Barcode scanner'SVProgressHUD'
– Custom Loader'CoreBitcoin'
Bitcoin toolkit for Objective-C
CoreBitcoin implements Bitcoin protocol in Objective-C and provides many additional APIs to make great apps. CoreBitcoin deliberately implements as much as possible directly in Objective-C with limited dependency on OpenSSL. This gives everyone an opportunity to learn Bitcoin on a clean codebase and enables all Mac and iOS developers to extend and improve Bitcoin protocol.
If you get the error when you're building the app:
dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/Starscream.framework/Starscream
Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/BCA359BD-6E7C-469A-9F18-28D2E8A02F58/qtum
Reason: image not found
You can follow the link which provides the steps to tell you how to fix it: