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HELLPIE.IO - My own personal webpage

Low profile and minimalistic but with attention to details.

The website is extremely simple. It doesn't have any fancy feature besides automatically fetching data from Mastodon-compatible APIs and the complete lack of client-side JavaScript.

Among its features are:

  • Complete lack of JavaScript client-side, compliant with the 0-bullshit architecture.
  • Minimalistic style inspired by Twitter with easily configurable color palettes.
  • Fully automated fetching of data from Mastodon-compatible APIs to compile the webpage template.
  • Single page design containing the minimal necessary information to describe the user.
  • Easily customizable interface with support to custom links to user-defined pages.

Copying the project is discouraged even if compliant with the Apache 2.0 License. Instead, it is encouraged to use the code as a base to build upon to develop personalized versions of this software in accordance with the LICENSE terms.

Setup instructions:

Before cloning this repository it should be noted that the project makes use of NodeJS server-side and it will therefore be impossible to host it on GitHub Pages or any other static website hosting service, unless index.hbs and main.scss are first compiled to static HTML and CSS files.

Before setting up the project the following software will need to be installed on the target system:

  • Git (referenced as the git command).
  • NodeJS (referenced as the node command) at version 10.7.0 or higher (refer to the engines.node property in package.json for the required version).
  • Yarn (referenced as the yarn command) or NPM, included in NodeJS but unreliable in its latest versions.

Additional software such as NGINX or other web servers is not documented in this setup guide and it is suggested the user refers to specific guides about how to configure the project to communicate to the outside world.

The repository will need to be cloned locally to be executed:

git clone

From now on the source code of this repository will be available locally at what is assumed to be the path corresponding to ~/ on the user's system.

To execute the project the first time, installation of NodeJS dependencies is required:

cd ~/
yarn install --production

It is suggested that, before running the software, the user configures the project to its likings as specified in the Configuration section of this document since the project will not start until a valid config.json is found.

After installing the required dependencies the project will be executable through the command:

node index.js

It is suggested the usage of a process manager, such as PM2, for which this project already provides a startup configuration. This will allow the project to automatically run in the background, keep itself up-to-date and restart in case of crashes, system reboots or other issues.

To run this project through PM2, referenced as the pm2 command, it is required that no other instance of the server is running before executing the following command:

pm2 start ecosystem.json


Configuration is loaded from a file called config.json, a template of its structure can be found in the file config_template.json. It is suggested that this file is used by first renaming it to config.json and then replacing (or removing) the values and keys in it.

All values are required unless otherwise specified.

The root attributes of the configuration are used to bind the ExpressJS WebServer to the proper IP and port to listen for incoming connections.

  • hostname: The IP or hostname where the ExpressJS server will listen on.
  • port: Which port the ExpressJS server will listen on.
  • router: Contains the required configuration for the RouterHelper class.
    • token: Mastodon API Token provided to the Mastodon Application upon creation.
    • account: Mastodon Account ID of the user whose data will be fetched to fill the index page.
    • mastodon: Contains the required configuration for the MastodonAPI class.
      • instance: The Mastodon instance where the Mastodon API Token was registered.
    • links: A key-value pair where the key is a Material Icon and the value a URL.

It is highly suggested setting the hostname value to and use NGINX, Apache or other webserver software to port-forward from the local port to the public port on the public IP address. Using localhost may open up the ExpressJS server to unwanted connections depending on which address the system binds to localhost.

If the router.account field of the configuration is not provided or its value evaluates to falsy the account owner of the Mastodon API token will be used to populate the template instead.

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