My dotfiles Repo 🗃️!
chezmoi init --apply --exclude=encrypted,templates
flavours update all && flavours apply $SCHEME
chsh -s /bin/zsh
fcrontab $HOME/.config/shellconfig/fcrontab.backup # Cron jobs
setfacl --restore=$HOME/.config/shellconfig/permissions.factl # For mopidy to work on local files
It is easier to use some scripts by saving passwords to gnupass rather than manually doing stuff:
pass init {KEY}
pass add caldav # CalDAV password
pass add manager/keepass # KeePass password
pass add manager/totp # KeePass TOTP
ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
sudo ln -sfT dash /usr/bin/sh
sudo ln -s $HOME/.local/bin/scripts/pinentry-bemenu /opt/
sudo cp $HOME/.local/share/themes/issue.txt /etc/issue ## To have a beautiful issue
sudo cp rfkill.start /etc/local.d ## If rfkill block is applied