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####HashtagSell Beta Application

#####Setting up HashtagSell Dev Environment on local machine: Install Node And It’s Respective Components

#####Clone HashtagSell Dev Repo To Your Local Machine Email username to [email protected] for share to private repo

  • Commit often
  • Comment your changes clearly

#####Install HashtagSell Dependencies On Your Local Machine.

  • In Terminal: cd /path/to/htsApp
  • In Terminal: sudo npm install
  • All dependencies will be installed in a directory Node Modules in your htsApp folder
  • In Terminal: Bower install
  • All Javascript library dependencies will be installed into bower_components directory inside the htsApp project folder

#####Start MongoDB Mongo must be running on your local machine before running HTS

  • In Terminal: sudo mongod --dbpath path/to/your/db

#####Manually Create Your Access Key

  • Manually create database after starting Mongo named: hts_app_db
  • Manually create collection in hts_app_db named: early_access_keys
  • Manually add your the JSON below to the early_access_keys collection
  • Edit this JSON object below and add to your users table
    "secret" : {
        "expired" : false,
        "generated_by" : "[email protected]",
        "type_of_key" : "individual",
        "key" : "29a6f7",
        "used_by" : []

#####Start FreeGeoIP

  • In Terminal: cd /path/to/freegeoip/directory
  • In Terminal: ./freegeoip

#####Start HashtagSell Application

  • In Terminal: cd /path/to/htsApp
  • In Terminal: grunt
  • NOTE: Your default browser should launch to localhost:8081. Manually navigate here if not.

#####Create your user in HashtagSell User Interface

  • Click user icon in top right-hand corner ---> “New Account”
  • Supply a real email, and include your access code from your early_access_keys collection.
  • Click the link in the “Welcome email” to activate your account.
  • Sign into your account! Woot!

#####Grunt Tasks (coming soon)

  • grunt build-dev concatenates and minimizes all Javascript/CSS in /app directory and saves in /app/dist_dev. You can test the generated files by updating index.ejs to use these files.
  • grunt commit-dev picks up all files (even those generated by build-dev) and commits them github dev branch. This repo is then deployed to dev EC2 @
  • grunt deploy concatenates and minimizes all Javascript/CSS in /app directory and saves in /app/dist_prod. All production necessary files are included copied to /app/dist_prod. /app/dist_prod is then pushed to github production branch and deployed to production EC2 @