This is the third major release of the hal-cgp library.
It contains the following changes:
New features
- Introduce callback to initialize individuals of the initial parent population #253
- Support custom atomic operators #254
- Provide support for hurdles during evolution #259 , #280
- Local search that does not require differential objectives -- evolution strategies #262
- Improved caching decorator #263
- Multiversion doc via readthedocs #315
API changes
- Make levels_back parameter optional #281
- Allow custom functions to be used for computing cache keys #284
- Redesign signatures of compilation targets #294
- Replace min_fitness by termination_fitness #295
- Reorder changes phenotype for individuals with parameters #265
- Cache decorator: use all args and kwargs when computing fec cache key #272
- Use a persistent process pool instead of a context manager for multiprocessing #260
- Reset parameters when the corresponding node is created by mutation of a genome #264
- Rename input -> address for address genes in hidden/outp… #267
- Check tournament_size <= n_parents in hl_api #268
- Move mutation_rate into EA #269
- Remove support for calling graph directly #270
- Fix error message wrong size passed to to_torch/to_numpy graphs #273
- Remove outdated n_processes argument in hl_api #275
- Add annotation in Individual #293
- Bump pillow version #291
- Improve description of design/use cases #292
- Port CI from travis to github actions #296
- Add test for n_columns=0 #299
Contributors (in alphabetical order)
Jakob Jordan
Henrik Mettler
Maximilian Schmidt