Neo4j and Python Interface for matching isomorphism subgraph of data graph
'Neo4j - isomorphic Subgraph matcher' is a U of I Database Management System Design project. These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Neo4j enterprise instance: It's a graph database platform help to input and load datagraph and query graph
- Neo4j - Neo4j enterprise instance Download
- Py2neo - Py2neo working with Neo4j from within Python
- webbrowser - webbrowser connecting web from within Python
- NetworkX - NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks
- Pandas - an open source data analysis library
A step by step series of examples that tell you how to get a development env running
Say what the step will be
Run following command in terminal Downloading networkx - A graph package in Python programming language
pip install networkx
Downloading webbrowser - A web browser in Python
python -m webbrowser -t ""
Downloading pandas - A data analysis tool help to save the graph to local
pip install pandas
Downloading py2neo - A python package help to edit the Neo4j Graph
pip install py2neo
- Neo4j - Neo4j enterprise instance Download
Issue the following command in the Anaconda command prompt/terminal with correct directorys:
Run the interface in Terminal
After running above command, will jump out a following graphical user interfal (GUI)
Also, you can run the code in a Python IDE, such as SPYDER, PYCHARM without input directories.
You may need to change port information in Neo4j, if you are not using a defaulted port in neo4j
Defaulted Neo4j port: "http://localhost:7474"
Username: neo4j
Password: neo4j
If needed
change the defaulted Neo4j port information, username and password:
Input the desired Data graph by using Cypher querying language in Data graph textbox.
Data graph textbox
load the data graph may takes 2-3 mins, due to interface's responding time is not excellent
Click visualize button in data graph textbox, call the neo4j data visualization tool
Visualize a sample data graph
Input the desired query graph by using Cypher querying language in Data graph textbox.
Data graph textbox
Click visualize button in query graph textbox, call the neo4j data visualization tool
Visualize a sample query graph
Click matching button in matching textbox, call the VF2 algorithm judge is a isomorphic subgraph or not and calculates all number of matching subgraphs.
a sample matching output
Click subgraph information button in matching textbox, call the VF2 algorithm return all the query subgraph's nodes and the matching data graph's nodes
Parts of information, start from No.5030 isomorphic subgraph to No.5040 isomorphic subgraph
a sample information output
- Haotian Wang - Initial work
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details