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Multimodal Lecture Presentations (MLP) Dataset

This is the official repository for the Multimodal Lecture Presentations (MLP) Dataset

The dataset can be downloaded here: MLP Dataset Download

Our Arxiv Paper can be found here: Multimodal Lecture Presentations Dataset: Understanding Multimodality in Educational Slides

The quickstart on colab can be found here: Colab Quickstart



We thank the reviewers for their insightful comments regarding the github repo. We are taking each comment seriously and consequently the repository is going through a major renovation:


  • (Reviewer MsAX) Pip-only requirements.txt (dataset only) - can be found in main directory in Setting up the Environment
  • (Reviewer MsAX) Google Colab quickstart - Link to Colab Quickstart


  • (Reviewer MsAX, GHav) Include requirements.txt (full baseline models, etc)- can be found in main directory in Setting up the Environment

  • (Reveiwer MsAX) Include human evaluation results, exact testing sets to enable investigatation on where humans fail - can be found in /human_study

  • (Reviewer MsAX) Clearer instructions on how to handle this dataset, what corresponds to 1 example of the dataset - can be found in quickstart.ipynb

  • (Reviewer S6Me) Include metadata on learning objectives - can be found in the video_links.csv in the dataset

  • (Reviewer FPNg, GHav) Dataset Extension: Include prepocessing tools, as well as automatic preprocessing steps (LayoutParser, PysceneDetect) - can be found in /preprocessing

  • (Reviewer FPNg, GHav) Dataset Extension: Include manual annotation scripts (MTurk javascript code) - can be found in /preprocessing

  • (Reviewer S6Me, GHav) script to run across all different subjects - scripts and instruction updated below in Train model

  • (Reviewer GHav) Ablation scripts (no image, no text) - scripts and instruction updated below in Train model

  • (Reviewer MsAX) How to reconsititute the splits of train and test (include references to code line number) - scripts and instruction updated below in Train model

  • Added Dataset Structure - Below


This repo is divided into the following sections:

  • dataset -- this directory contains more information on the dataset structure
  • examples -- quickstart to use our data (dataloading, visualization), and other tools
  • src -- contains our full experimental setup, including our proposed model PolyViLT and a dataloader that can be used to load the data
  • preprocessing -- scripts that can be used to automatically process the data
  • human_study -- results of our human study, raw images and aligned captions can be downloaded here for quick investigation

Lecture slide presentations, a sequence of pages that contain text and figures accompanied by speech, are constructed and presented carefully in order to optimally transfer knowledge to students. Previous studies in multimedia and psychology attribute the effectiveness of lecture presentations to their multimodal nature. As a step toward developing AI to aid in student learning as intelligent teacher assistants, we introduce the Multimodal Lecture Presentations dataset as a large-scale benchmark testing the capabilities of machine learning models in multimodal understanding of educational content. To benchmark the understanding of multimodal information in lecture slides, we introduce two research tasks which are designed to be a first step towards developing AI that can explain and illustrate lecture slides: automatic retrieval of (1) spoken explanations for an educational figure (Figure-to-Text) and (2) illustrations to accompany a spoken explanation (Text-to-Figure)

As a step towards this direction, MLP dataset contains over 9000 slides with natural images, diagrams, equations, tables and written text, aligned with the speaker's spoken language. These lecture slides are sourced from over 180 hours worth of educational videos in various disciplines such as anatomy, biology, psychology, speaking, dentistry, and machine learning. To enable the above mentioned tasks, we manually annotated the slide segments to accurately capture alignment between spoken language, slides, and figures (diagrams, natural images, table, equations).

MLP Dataset and its tasks bring new research opportunities through the following technical challenges: (1) addressing weak crossmodal alignment between figures and spoken language (a figure on the slide is often related to only a portion of spoken language), (2) representing novel visual mediums of man-made figures (e.g., diagrams, tables, and equations), (3) understanding technical language, and (4) capturing interactions in long-range sequences. Furthermore, it offers novel challenges that will spark future research in educational content modeling, multimodal reasoning, and question answering.

Dataset Structure

In the dataset, you will find:

│   raw_video_links.csv - contains the slide segmentations, number of seconds, video_id, youtube_url, slide annotation containing learning objectives)
│   figure_annotations.csv - the save_directory path, ocr output, the bounding boxes and labels) 
    │   {speaker}.json - contains comprehensive data dictionary, where each datapoint corresponds to a slide 
    │   {speaker}_figs.json - contains dictionary where each datapoint corresponds to a figure
    │   {speaker}_capfig.json - a dictionary that maps the keys of {speaker}.json to {speaker}_figs.json, such that we can map the captions to the multiple figures
│   │
│   └───{lecture name or "unordered"} - a folder for each leacture series or 'unordered' (if videos are not from a consecutive series)
│       │   slide_{number}.jpg - image of the slide
│       │   slide_{number}_ocr.jpg - ocr of the slide
│       │   slide_{number}_spoken.jpg - spoken language of the slide
│       │   slide_{number}_trace.jpg - extracted mouse traces for slide
│       │   ...
│       │   segments.txt - the annotated slide transition segments
│       │   {video_id}_transcripts.csv - the google ASR transcriptions of spoken language
│       │   slide_{number}_ocr.jpg - ocr of the slide
└─── ...

Setting up the Environment

To use the dataset only:

python3 -m venv venv
pip install -r requirements_dataset_only.txt

To use the full codebase with all baselines:

conda create -y --name mlp_env python=3.7
conda install --force-reinstall -y -q --name mlp_env -c conda-forge --file requirements_full.txt

You will have the necessary environment to run our scrips and easily use our dataset at mlp_env.

For quickstart, we recommend the user to take a look at our quickstart.ipynb

Extend Dataset

For those interested in extending the dataset, please check our /preprocessing directory. We have provided details steps to do so.

Train model

You can train your own model using; check for all available options. We provide example scripts below, for the speaker 'anat-1' and seed 3. We used the train and test split using the seeds 0, 2, 3. This will reconstitute the exact splits of the dataset that could be used to reproduce the results in our paper.


Here are the scripts used to test baselines:

python3 --seed 3 --data_name anat-1 --cnn_type resnet152 --wemb_type bert --margin 0.1 --max_violation --num_embeds 5 --txt_attention   --img_finetune --mmd_weight 0.01 --div_weight 0.01 --batch_size 8 --log_file ./logs/random/bert/anat-1 --logger_name ./runs/random/bert/anat-1 --model Random --word_dim 768  

#PVSE (Glove)
python3 --seed 3 --data_name anat-1 --cnn_type resnet152 --wemb_type bert --margin 0.1 --max_violation --num_embeds 5 --txt_attention   --img_finetune --mmd_weight 0.01 --div_weight 0.01 --batch_size 8 --log_file ./logs/pvse/bert/anat-1 --logger_name ./runs/pvse/bert/anat-1 --model PVSE --word_dim 768

#PVSE (Bert)
python3 --seed 3 --data_name anat-1 --cnn_type resnet152 --wemb_type glove --margin 0.1 --max_violation --num_embeds 5 --txt_attention   --img_finetune --mmd_weight 0.01 --div_weight 0.01 --batch_size 8 --log_file ./logs/pvse/glove/anat-1 --logger_name ./runs/pvse/glove/anat-1 --model PVSE  

#PCME (Glove)
python3 --seed 3 --data_name anat-1 --cnn_type resnet152 --wemb_type bert --margin 0.1 --max_violation --num_embeds 5 --txt_attention   --img_finetune --mmd_weight 0.01 --div_weight 0.01 --batch_size 8 --log_file ./logs/pcme/bert/anat-1 --logger_name ./runs/pcme/bert/anat-1  --embed_dim 1024 --n_samples_inference 7 --model PCME --img_probemb --txt_probemb --word_dim 768  

python3 --seed 3 --data_name anat-1 --cnn_type resnet152 --wemb_type glove --margin 0.1 --max_violation --num_embeds 5 --txt_attention   --img_finetune --mmd_weight 0.01 --div_weight 0.01 --batch_size 8 --log_file ./logs/pcme/glove/anat-1 --logger_name ./runs/pcme/glove/anat-1  --embed_dim 1024 --n_samples_inference 7 --model PCME --img_probemb --txt_probemb  

python --seed 3 --log_file ./logs/clip/anat-1 --data_name anat-1

Our Model

We provide scripts to train our model, with all the ablations reported in the main paper.

python3 --seed 3 --data_name anat-1 --cnn_type resnet152 --wemb_type bert+vilt --margin 0.1 --max_violation --num_embeds 5 --txt_attention --img_finetune --mmd_weight 0.01 --div_weight 0.01 --batch_size 8 --log_file ./logs/vilt/no_trace/anat-1 --logger_name ./runs/vilt/no_trace/anat-1 --model Ours_VILT --word_dim 768 --embed_size 768  

#Ours (Using Mouse Trace)
python3 --model Ours_VILT_Trace  --seed 3 --data_name anat-1 --cnn_type resnet152 --wemb_type bert+vilt --margin 0.1 --max_violation --num_embeds 5 --txt_attention --img_finetune --mmd_weight 0.01 --div_weight 0.01 --batch_size 8 --log_file ./logs/vilt/trace/anat-1 --logger_name ./runs/vilt/trace/anat-1 --word_dim 768 --embed_size 768  

#Ours (Across all speakers)
python3 --data_name all --seed 3 --cnn_type resnet152 --wemb_type bert+vilt --margin 0.1 --max_violation --num_embeds 5 --txt_attention --img_finetune --mmd_weight 0.01 --div_weight 0.01 --batch_size 8 --log_file ./logs/vilt/trace/anat-1 --logger_name ./runs/vilt/trace/anat-1 --model Ours_VILT_Trace --word_dim 768 --embed_size 768  

#Ours (w/o figure language)
python3 --lang_mask --seed 3 --data_name anat-1 --cnn_type resnet152 --wemb_type bert+vilt --margin 0.1 --max_violation --num_embeds 5 --txt_attention --img_finetune --mmd_weight 0.01 --div_weight 0.01 --batch_size 8 --log_file ./logs/vilt/no_lang2/anat-1 --logger_name ./runs/vilt/no_lang2/anat-1 --model Ours_VILT --word_dim 768 --embed_size 768   

#Ours (w/o figure image)
python3 --img_mask   --seed 3 --data_name anat-1 --cnn_type resnet152 --wemb_type bert+vilt --margin 0.1 --max_violation --num_embeds 5 --txt_attention --img_finetune --mmd_weight 0.01 --div_weight 0.01 --batch_size 8 --log_file ./logs/vilt/no_lang2/anat-1 --logger_name ./runs/vilt/no_lang2/anat-1 --model Ours_VILT --word_dim 768 --embed_size 768 


At the time of release, all videos included in this dataset were being made available by the original content providers under the standard YouTube License.

Unless noted otherwise, we are providing the data of this repository under under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



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