- 📖 About the Project
- 💻 Getting Started
- 👥 Author
- 🔭 Future Features
- 🤝 Contributing
- ⭐️ Show your support
- 🙏 Acknowledgements
- ❓ FAQ
- 📝 License
This is a Ruby on Rails app that allows user to create, and list payements grouped by related categories that spent on.
[Budget-app] is a tracking your spending is often the first step in getting your finances in order. By understanding what you spend money on and how much you spend, you can see exactly where your cash is going and areas where you can cut back.
Describe the tech stack and include only the relevant sections that apply to your project.
what you spend money on and how much you spend, you can see exactly where your cash is going and areas where you can cut back.
- [Track your expenses]
Add a link to your deployed project.
Describe how a new developer could make use of your project.
To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.
In order to work on this project, you need to have the following dependencies installed:
Clone this repository to your desired folder:
sh git clone [email protected]:Hannziegel/budget-app.git cd Budget-app
To get all the gems required for the project:
bundle install
To install packages such as style linters:
npm install
To check linters locally, use:
npx stylelint "**/*.{css,scss}"
Once you have the project correctly set up, run:
To run all migrations, create the database for testing and for development, and insert some data into the database for you to visualize the changes:
bin/rails db:setup
Finally, each time you make changes to the project, run
In the root folder to check the consistency of the app. Please don't make changes to the tests unless completely necessary, and mention it in your PR description:
bundle exec rspec /spec
To run the project, execute the following command:
rails server
To run tests, run the following command:
sh bin/rails test test/models/article_test.rb
Mention all of the collaborators of this project.
👨💻 Rodrigo Johann Reckziegel Nunes ✍️
- GitHub: githubhandle
- LinkedIn: LinkedIn
Describe 1 - 3 features you will add to the project.
- [new_feature_1]
- [new_feature_2]
- [new_feature_3]
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Write a message to encourage readers to support your project
If you like this project...
Give credit to everyone who inspired your codebase.
I would like to thank...
Original design idea by Gregoire Vella on Behance.
Add at least 2 questions new developers would ask when they decide to use your project.
- [Answer_1]
- [Answer_2]
This project is MIT licensed.
NOTE: we recommend using the MIT license - you can set it up quickly by using templates available on GitHub. The Creative Commons license of the design.