You'll find the ROBOTNIK platform simulation files and installation/setup instructions here.
Clone ""
Clone ""
Clone "" FOR ME NOETIC-DEVEL, find the proper branch for yourself
Clone "" FOR ME NOETIC-DEVEL, find the proper branch for yourself
- sudo apt install ros-noetic-mavros-msgs
- sudo apt install ros-noetic-velocity-controllers
- sudo apt install ros-noetic-robot-localization
- roslaunch summit_xl_sim_bringup summit_xls_complete.launch
In the launch file "summit_xls_complete.launch" search for world and change the arg to
also you need to change the map which has the prefix of .yaml in the same launch file
In this repository changes in the launch file for summit_xl_sim has already been made and as an example three obstacles have been added to the the world, you can use it to add more or remove it, try to clone the repository and take a look into
- The obstacles are written in the and are not in the map of course.