This repo is aiming to share the stuff that i learn from day to day .
- UltimateAndroidReference
- Best practices in Android development
- Android Conferences | androidstudygroup
- Android Conferences | bugfender
- Android kotlin conference videos
- Awesome android learning resources
- Awesome android kotlin apps
- Android talks
- Network Error Handling & Response Caching
- Android Testing Guide
- A complete idiot’s guide to Clean Architecture
- Modularization - Why you should care
- Top 17 Plugins for Android Studio
- Before Learning Kotlin, Think Kotlin
- The Clean Architecture
- Your First Android App Bundle
- Get started with the Navigation component
- Best practices for supporting Android Application in multiple screen
- Finally understanding how references work in Android and Java
- Common Design Patterns for Android with Kotlin
- Android Activity “launchMode” In Action
- A Guided Tour inside a clean architecture code base.
- Kotlin Destructuring Declarations
- Next level of dependencies declaration with Kotlin DSL scripits
- Coroutines in Kotlin 1.3 explained
- Suspending over Views
- Hello Kotlin - Kotlin Cheat Sheet
- Dagger Android Migration Guide
- Kotlin Coroutine Job Hierarchy
- Dagger-Android is dead, long live Dagger in Android!
- Screaming Architecture
- The Story of Our Big Android App Rewrite
- Think before using BuildConfig.DEBUG
- Composition over inheritance (and Kotlin)
- Deep Dive into Dagger Lazy
- Koin DI & Comparison of Android Dependency Injection Frameworks
- Kotlin Clean Architecture
- Clean Dagger
- Multiple ways of defining Clean Architecture layers
- Exploring Dagger-Hilt
- Key to a Healthy Android Project with Sonarqube
Inspired by anitaa1990/Today-I-Learned .