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Memory Tracker

To run this project in a production, it is necessary to install and configure DockerSwarm, as well as to create a Node.

Create Network

Create a network with the driver overlay:
docker network create --driver overlay mt-local
docker network create --driver overlay mt-public

Build the images

CD to the path docker/Dockerfile and run the following commands to create images:
docker-compose build memory_tracker-fastapi
docker-compose build memory_tracker-nginx

To run in the development mode, please run the following command, otherwise, continue the steps to the Run section.
docker compose -f docker/docker-compose-dev.yml up
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/memory-logs/

For more information about the api, see 'endpoints' section.

Environment Variables (production)

Create an environment variable with a username (you will use it for the HTTP Basic Auth for Traefik), for example:
export USERNAME=hadi
export PASSWORD=do

Use openssl to generate the "hashed" version of the password and store it in an environment variable:
export HASHED_PASSWORD=$(openssl passwd -apr1 $PASSWORD)


CD to the path memory_tracker/docker and run the following commands to create and run stack:
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose-[deploy|dev].yml memory-tracker

Docker Traefik Labels


This section provides the Traefik labels configuration used for various purposes such as basic authentication, rate limiting, routing, and load balancing.

  • traefik.http.middlewares.api-auth.basicauth.users=${USERNAME?Variable not set}:${HASHED_PASSWORD?Variable not set}

    • Specifies basic authentication middleware for API access. Requires username and hashed password.
  • traefik.http.middlewares.api-ratelimit.ratelimit.burst=5

    • Sets the burst rate for rate limiting to 5 requests.
  • traefik.http.middlewares.api-ratelimit.ratelimit.period=1m

    • Sets the period for rate limiting to 1 minute.
  • traefik.http.routers.memory_tracker-http.rule=Host('')

    • Sets the rule for the HTTP router to route requests with the host ''.
  • traefik.http.routers.memory_tracker-http.middlewares=api-auth,api-ratelimit

    • Specifies the middlewares to be applied to the HTTP router, including basic authentication and rate limiting.

    • Sets the port for the load balancer server to 80 for the memory tracker service.

Memory Logger API Documentation

This API provides endpoints to retrieve memory usage logs.


Retrieve Memory Logs [GET]

  • Headers (production)

    • Authorization: Basic aGFkaTpkbw==
    • {username: hadi, password: do}
  • Parameters

    • limit (optional, integer, 10) ... Number of records to return from the end. Must be greater than 0 and less than 100,000.
    • skip (optional, integer) ... Number of records to skip. Must be greater than 0.
  • Response 200 (application/json)

    • Body
          "timestamp": 1647033600,
          "total": 8192,
          "free": 2048,
          "used": 6144
          "timestamp": 1647033700,
          "total": 8192,
          "free": 1024,
          "used": 7168
  • Response 422 (application/json)

    • Body
          "detail": [
                  "type": "int_parsing",
                  "loc": [
                  "msg": "Input should be a valid integer, unable to parse string as an integer",
                  "input": "ten",
                  "url": ""
  • Response 404 (application/json)

    • Body
        "detail": "Not Found."
  • Response 405 (application/json)

    • Body
        "detail": "Method Not Allowed."
  • Response 500 (application/json)

    • Body
        "detail": "Internal server error."

Configuration cronjob to run tasks.

It runs every minute and creates a new record in the memory_log table.

File Location

  • memory_tracker/memory_tracker/cron/cronjobs
  • memory_tracker/memory_tracker/cron/
* * * * * bash /srv/memory_tracker/memory_tracker/cron/


Create And Retrieve Memory Logs






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