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StateMachine supports creating productive State Machines In Go



TLDR Turnstile Example

Turnstile StateMachine Example Diagram

State machines provide an alternative way of thinking about how we code any job/process/workflow.

Using a state machine for an object, that reacts to events differently based on its current state, reduces the amount of boilerplate and duct-taping you have to introduce to your code.

StateMachine package provides a feature complete implementation of finite-state machines in Go.

What Is A Finite-State Machine Even?

A finite-state machine (FSM) is an abstract machine that can be in exactly one of a finite number of states at any given time. The FSM can change from one state to another in response to some external inputs; the change from one state to another is called a transition. An FSM is defined by a list of its states, its initial state, and the conditions for each transition.

β€” Wikipedia

Further Reading


Run this in your project directory:

go get -u

Import StateMachine with this line in your Go code:

import ""


Project Goals

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a simple system that worked. A complex system designed from scratch never works and cannot be patched up to make it work. You have to start over with a working simple system.

– John Gall (1975)

StateMachine is simple in its specification, DSL, and internal implementation. And it works. There are no plans to introduce advanced FSM features such as regions, submachines, history based transitions, join, fork, etc., unless there's a simple way to do so without affecting the rest of the implementation. Well, submachines have already been implemented (partially and is in flux).

Performance is generally a significant factor when considering the use of a third party package. However, an API that I can actually code and design in my mind, ahead of using it, is just as important to me.

StateMachine's API design and developer productivity take precedence over its benchmark numbers (especially when compared to a bare metal switch statement based state machine implementation, which may not take you as far).

For this, StateMachine provides a DSL using its builder objects. These builders compute and validate the state definitions, and then inject the result (states, events, transitions, callbacks, etc.) into the state machine during its initialization. Subsequently, these builders are free to be garbage collected.

Moreover, the state machinery is not dependent on these DSL builders. State machines may also be initialized from directly allocating definition structs, or even parsing them from JSON, along with pre-registered callback references.

StateMachine definitions comprise of the following basic components:

These, and some additional components are covered below, along with their example usage code.

Adding a state machine is as simple as embedding statemachine.Machine in your struct, defining states and events, along with their transitions.

type Process struct {

    // or

    Machine statemachine.Machine

func NewProcess() *Process {
    process := &Process{}

    process.Machine = statemachine.NewMachine()
    process.Machine.Build(func(m statemachine.MachineBuilder) {
        // ...

    // or

    process.Machine = statemachine.BuildNewMachine(func(m statemachine.MachineBuilder) {
        // ...

    return process

States, events, and transitions are defined using a DSL composed of "builders", including statemachine.MachineBuilder and statemachine.EventBuilder. These builders provide a clean and type-safe DSL for writing the specification of how the state machine functions.

The subsequent examples are a close port of my experience with using the state_machines Ruby gem, from which StateMachine Go package's DSL is highly inspired.

System Process StateMachine Example Diagram

The example represented in the diagram above is implemented in examples/cognizant/process.go.

If, instead of the builders DSL, you would rather want to specify the StateMachine directly using definition structs, take a look at the ExampleMachineDef test function. The same may also be imported from JSON or HCL.

States and Initial State

Possible states in the state machine may be manually defined, along with the initial state. However, states are also inferred from event transition definitions.

Initial state is set during the initialization of the state machine, and is required to be defined in the builder.

process.Machine.Build(func(m statemachine.MachineBuilder) {
    m.States("unmonitored", "running", "stopped")
    m.States("starting", "stopping", "restarting")

    // Initial state must be defined.


Events act as a virtual function which when fired, trigger a state transition.

process.Machine.Build(func(m statemachine.MachineBuilder) {
    m.Event("monitor", ... )

    m.Event("start", ... )

    m.Event("stop", ... )

    m.Event("restart", ... )

    m.Event("unmonitor", ... )

    m.Event("tick", ... )

Timed Events

Currently there one one timed event available:

TimedEvery(duration time.Duration)

Makes the event fire automatically at every specified duration.

process.Machine.Build(func(m statemachine.MachineBuilder) {
	m.Event("tick", func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {
		e.TimedEvery(1 * time.Second)
		// e.Transition().From(...).To(...)

	// or

		TimedEvery(1 * time.Second).
		// e.Transition().From(...).To(...)


Choice assists in choosing event transition(s) based on a boolean condition.

Note that Choice is not executed if the event also specifies transitions of its own.

The example below runs the tick event every second, and decides the state to transition to based on based on whether the process is currently running on the system or not, as long as we're also not set to SkipTicks (for start, stop, and restart grace times).

process.Machine.Build(func(m statemachine.MachineBuilder) {
	// the nested way:

	m.Event("tick", func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {
		e.Choice(&process.IsProcessRunning, func(c statemachine.ChoiceBuilder) {

			c.OnTrue(func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {
				// e.Transition().From(...).To(...)

			c.OnFalse(func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {
				// e.Transition().From(...).To(...)

	// preferred alternative syntax:

		TimedEvery(1 * time.Second).
		Choice(&process.IsProcessRunning).Label("isRunning"). // Label helps with diagrams and debugging
		Unless(process.SkipTick). // TODO: move this to SkipUntil
		OnTrue(func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {
		OnFalse(func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {


Transitions represent the change in state when an event is fired.

Note that .From(states ...string) accepts variadic args.

process.Machine.Build(func(m statemachine.MachineBuilder) {
    m.Event("monitor", func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {

    m.Event("start", func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {
        // from either of the defined states
        e.Transition().From("unmonitored", "stopped").To("starting")

    m.Event("stop", func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {

    m.Event("restart", func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {
        e.Transition().From("running", "stopped").To("restarting")

    m.Event("unmonitor", func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {

    m.Event("tick", func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {
        // ...

Transition Guards (Conditions)

Transition Guards are conditional callbacks which expect a boolean return value, implying whether or not the transition in context should occur.

type TransitionGuardFnBuilder interface {
    If(guardFunc ...TransitionGuardFunc)
    Unless(guardFunc ...TransitionGuardFunc)

Valid TransitionGuardFunc signatures:

func() bool
func(transition statemachine.Transition) bool
// Assuming process.IsProcessRunning is a bool variable, and
// process.GetIsProcessRunning is a func returning a bool value.
m.Event("tick", func(e statemachine.EventBuilder) {
    // If guard

    // Unless guard

    // ...

    e.Transition().From("stopped").To("starting").If(func(t statemachine.Transition) bool {
        return process.ShouldAutoStart && !process.GetIsProcessRunning()

    // or


    // ...

Transition Callbacks

Transition Callback methods are called before, around, or after a transition.

Before Transition

Before Transition callbacks do not act as a conditional, and a bool return value will not impact the transition.

Valid TransitionCallbackFunc signatures:

func(m statemachine.Machine)
func(t statemachine.Transition)
func(m statemachine.Machine, t statemachine.Transition)
process.Machine.Build(func(m statemachine.MachineBuilder) {
    // ...

    m.BeforeTransition().FromAny().To("stopping").Do(func() {
        process.ShouldAutoStart = false

    // ...

Around Transition

Around Transition's callback provides a next func as input, which must be called inside the callback. (TODO: Missing to call the method will trigger a runtime failure with an appropriately described error.)

Valid TransitionCallbackFunc signatures:

func(next func())
func(m statemachine.Machine, next func())
func(t statemachine.Transition, next func())
func(m statemachine.Machine, t statemachine.Transition, next func())
process.Machine.Build(func(m statemachine.MachineBuilder) {
    // ...

        From("starting", "restarting").
        Do(func(next func()) {
            start := time.Now()

            // it'll trigger a failure if next is not called

            elapsed = time.Since(start)

            log.Printf("it took %s to [re]start the process.\n", elapsed)

    // ...

After Transition

After Transition callback is called when the state has successfully transitioned.

Valid TransitionCallbackFunc signatures:

func(m statemachine.Machine)
func(t statemachine.Transition)
func(m statemachine.Machine, t statemachine.Transition)
process.Machine.Build(func(m statemachine.MachineBuilder) {
    // ...

    // notify system admin

    // log all transitions
        Do(func(t statemachine.Transition) {
            log.Printf("State changed from '%s' to '%s'.\n", t.From(), t.To())

    // ...

Event Callbacks

There is only one Event Callback method, which is called after an event fails to transition the state.

After Failure

After Failure callback is called when there's an error with event firing.

Valid TransitionCallbackFunc signatures:

func(err error)
func(m statemachine.Machine, err error)
func(t statemachine.Event, err error)
func(m statemachine.Machine, t statemachine.Event, err error)
process.Machine.Build(func(m statemachine.MachineBuilder) {
    // ...

        Do(func(e statemachine.Event, err error) {
                "could not transition with event='%s' err=%+v\n",

    // ...


Event Transition Matchers

These may map from one or more from states to exactly one to state.

type TransitionBuilder interface {
    From(states ...string) TransitionFromBuilder
    FromAny() TransitionFromBuilder
    FromAnyExcept(states ...string) TransitionFromBuilder

type TransitionFromBuilder interface {
    ExceptFrom(states ...string) TransitionExceptFromBuilder
    To(state string) TransitionToBuilder

type TransitionExceptFromBuilder interface {
    To(state string) TransitionToBuilder



e.Transition().From("first_gear", "second_gear", "third_gear").To("stalled")

allGears := vehicle.GetAllGearStates()



Transition Callback Matchers

These may map from one or more from states to one or more to states.

type TransitionCallbackBuilder interface {
    From(states ...string) TransitionCallbackFromBuilder
    FromAny() TransitionCallbackFromBuilder
    FromAnyExcept(states ...string) TransitionCallbackFromBuilder

type TransitionCallbackFromBuilder interface {
    ExceptFrom(states ...string) TransitionCallbackExceptFromBuilder
    To(states ...string) TransitionCallbackToBuilder
    ToSame() TransitionCallbackToBuilder
    ToAny() TransitionCallbackToBuilder
    ToAnyExcept(states ...string) TransitionCallbackToBuilder

type TransitionCallbackExceptFromBuilder interface {
    To(states ...string) TransitionCallbackToBuilder
    ToSame() TransitionCallbackToBuilder
    ToAny() TransitionCallbackToBuilder
    ToAnyExcept(states ...string) TransitionCallbackToBuilder




// same as:

Event Callback Matchers

These may match on one or more events.

type EventCallbackBuilder interface {
	On(events ...string) EventCallbackOnBuilder
	OnAnyEvent() EventCallbackOnBuilder
	OnAnyEventExcept(events ...string) EventCallbackOnBuilder

type EventCallbackOnBuilder interface {
	Do(callbackFunc EventCallbackFunc) EventCallbackOnBuilder



Callback Functions

Any callback function's arguments (and return types) are dynamically set based on what types are defined (dependency injection). Setting any unavailable arg or return type will cause a panic during initialization.

For example, if your BeforeTransition() callback does not need access to the statemachine.Transition variable, you may just define the callback with a blank function signature: func(), instead of func(t statemachine.Transition). Similarly, for an AfterFailure() callback you can use func(err error), or func(e statemachine.Event, err error), or even just func() .


Copyright 2017 Gurpartap Singh

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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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