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License Hits-of-Code

This bot obtains registration information by reading notification emails in your inbox. Subsequently, you can view the data of those who registered, send them confirmation letters or thanks for their participation.

Environment variables

.env file should be created in the root directory with the following variables:

  • EMAIL_ADDRESS: Email address to send emails from
  • EMAIL_APP_PASSWORD: App password for the email address
  • NOTIFIER_ADDRESS: Email address to receive notifications from
  • DUMP_EMAIL_ADDRESS: Email address to send all emails to in DEV mode
  • BOT_TOKEN: Telegram bot token
  • ALLOWED_USERS: String of comma-separated list of allowed users
  • DEVELOPER_CHAT_ID: Chat ID of the developer


[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]


Configuration is done in src/ file. The most important setting is MODE which can be either DEV or PROD. In DEV mode, all emails are sent to DUMP_EMAIL_ADDRESS and in PROD mode, the bot sends emails to the actual recipients.

Running the bot

docker compose build
docker compose up -d

Container will be started in detached mode. It's configured to always restart on failure. So to stop the bot, use

docker stop mostpp-bot
docker rm mostpp-bot