A stream description timestamper and highlight tool. it's made to lift the burden of timestamping VODs and clip highlights!
H.O.T was my first javascript project so its code is. Not pretty though it gets the job done, H.O.T was prototyped in Xampp and PHP's server command
takes the raw Infowriter timestamp file and sorts it as your description for each stream pressing clip-stamps while having twitch set up will change out your timestamps with when a twitch clip was taken.
the highlighter queries the twitch API and sorts clips into a description for a would be clip highlight video, it does not edit them it only makes the description
#Config file for H.O.T to work you'll need the Infowriter plugin for OBS and twitch tokens / Oauth tokens
the structure of the config file looks like this
let config = {
// turning Infowriter Off is not implimented
INFOWRITER_ON: true, // infowriter is needed for local timestamps, but you can rely on Clip-stamps instead
CLIP_OFFSET : 27, // emulates how much Twitch goes back when you press the clip button
HIGHLIGHTER_CHANNELS : ["grat_grot10_berg", "marinemammalrescue"],
HIGHLIGHT_SORTING : "date", // date, datereverse, random
// txt controls..
HIGHLIGHTER_BEFORE_TIMESTAMPS: "Texts/BeforeTimestamps.txt",
HIGHLIGHTER_AFTER_TIMESTAMPS: "Texts/AfterTimestamps.txt",
// Local mode & Local txt controls
LOCALIZE_LANGUAGE: "da", // "da", "gb", "de" // Used in Youtube description uploading.
LOCAL_HIGHLIGHTER_BEFORE_TIMESTAMPS: "Texts/LocaleBeforeTimestamps.txt",
LOCAL_HIGHLIGHTER_AFTER_TIMESTAMPS: "Texts/LocaleAfterTimestamps.txt",
// Twitch
TWITCH_ON: true,
TWITCH_API_TOKEN : "<your twitch token>",
TWITCH_LOGIN : "<your twitch username>", // Your Twitch name in your channel URL
TIMESTAMP_PATH : "Timestamps.txt",
// Youtube (not used rn)
YOUTUBE_ON: false,
YOUTUBE_CLIENT_ID: "<youtube api client id>",
YOUTUBE_APIKEY: "<youtube api key>",
PLUGINNAME : "<plugin name in google cloud console>",
// not implimented.
// Extra configs
HASHTAGS : "#Vtuber #VtuberEn #Davtuber",
AUTO_RUN_CLIPSTAMPS: false, // automatically runs clipstamps when you load the page.
place the config.ts / config.js inside the scripts folder
//outdated but is still helpful!
For a setup guide please look to the [H.O.T Wiki](https://github.com/Grat10borg/Hotkey-Operated-Timestamper/wiki)