Data Science and Mathematical Techniques Enthusiast 🤖💡
I am currently learning Bayesian Statistics!
Working as a Software Engineer at Sidepocket
I am part of the board of directors of the Guadalajara Algorithms Club. (One of the biggest in Mexico with around 800 members)
I’m looking for colaborations in Machine Learning and Deep Learning projects
Ask me about C++, python, Flask, React, Nextjs, algorithms and more
To reach me send a Email to [email protected] or [email protected]
Fun fact I enjoy hit the Gym
const Chema = {
pronouns: 'He' | 'Him',
pastCompanies:['Sidepocket Inc','Phoenix Eye', 'Oracle' ],
code: ['Typescript', 'Python', 'Java', 'C++', 'Rust', 'Bash', 'SQL', 'R'],
lowCodeTools: ['Google Workspace', 'Figma', 'Notion', 'Slack', 'Obsidian'],
cloud: ['Azure', 'Firebase', 'Vercel','AWS'],
tools: ['React', 'React Native', 'Next.js', 'Astro', 'Zustand', 'NodeJS', 'NestJS', 'Keras', 'Scikit-learn', 'Pandas', 'NumPy', 'OpenCV', 'Streamlit', 'AWS', 'Firebase', 'Supabase', 'MySQL', 'Git', 'GitHub', 'Linux Shell', 'Linux Environment', 'T3 Stack'],
areas: ['Cloud', 'Data', 'Product', 'Management', 'SoftSkills'],