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Adam Argyle edited this page May 20, 2019 · 3 revisions

Writing a plugin for VisBug requires 2 things:

  1. An array:
    a list of strings that when /typed invoke your plugin
  2. A function:
    VisBug will invoke your function with selected DOM


export const commands = []

export default async function({selected, query}) {
  // selected is a nodeList containing the elements currently selected with VisBug

Step 1

Have an idea and write a function that does it. Here's the Barrel Roll plugin as an example:

// VisBug won't allow registering a command that's already taken
export const commands = [
  'barrel roll',
  'do a barrel roll',

export default async function() {
  // full access to the page dom: document.body, window, etc = 'center 50vh'
  await document.body.animate([
    { transform: 'rotateZ(0)' },
    { transform: 'rotateZ(1turn)' },
  ], { duration: 1500 }).finished = ''

Step 2:

Register your plugins commands and function

  1. import your work
// plugins/_registry.js
import { commands as barrel_roll_commands, default as BarrelRollPlugin } from './barrel-roll'
  1. register
...commandsToHash(barrel_roll_commands, BarrelRollPlugin),


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