The application is a product search platform that allows users to register, log in, and search for products. It provides search functionality, displays search results, and allows users to view product details. Registered users have additional features such as viewing prices, filtering products, and checking product serviceability based on their location.
- Homepage
- Landing page with links for Registration and Login.
- Search box for customers to search for products.
- Login Page
- Registration Page
- User registration functionality.
- Validation for email address, password policy, and mandatory fields.
- Product Search Page
- Search screen for users to search for products.
- Searches input text against specified parameters for matching products.
- Results Page
Displays search results using the API from the first application.
Shows product image, name, and brand.
Additional functionality for logged-in users:
- View prices of products in search results.
- Click on "View Details" link for each product.
- Filter products by price range.
- Product Details Page
- Detailed view of a selected product.
- Shows product image, name, description, brand, price, and serviceability check.
- Serviceability check allows logged-in users to enter their pincode and receive information on product delivery feasibility and expected delivery time.
In summary, our product search platform offers a user-friendly experience for finding and exploring various products. With features like registration, login, and search functionality, users can easily navigate and discover their desired items. The platform allows for detailed product viewing, price filtering, and serviceability checking based on location. It's a convenient tool that simplifies the product search process, empowering users to make informed decisions.