If you want to work on any component you have to request to work on the issue and it will be assigned.
The components are:
- About
- Contacts
- Events
- Faqs
- Gallery
- Landing
- Navbar
- Schedule
- Sponsors
- Prizes
The basic set up of the website is done. Use tailwind css for styling the website. Fork and add a star to the repo.
Some important pointers:
- You don't necessarily have to stick to the exact design given. You're free to experiment with whatever looks better (but stick to the provided theme).
- Most of our users will use a mobile for registration, so try to make the screen view as clean as possible.
- Try to practice proper Agile methodology as it will be helpful in the future.
- Try not to make too many commits. Make a commit only when necessary and open a pull request (PR).
- All the content will be checked by seniors, and based on their feedback, the PRs will be accepted.
- If there are any suggested changes, try to implement them as suggested.
- If you have any doubts, you can reach out to us.
Hopefully you'll figure it out on your own 🙃
Add a video to this section
Update the schedule
Put the new sponsors logos and remove past sponsors section
create a page to display all registrations display registrations based on events