Releases: GatorEducator/gatorgrade
Add Report Generation in Markdown and JSON
Support the creation of a report in either the Markdown or JSON formats. These reports can be saved to a file or to an environment variable. If you save them to an environment variable like
The file config/gatorgrade.yml either does not exist or is not valid.
Exiting now! then it will create a GitHub job summary that students may find convenient to consult.
Change the symbols for correct and incorrect checks.
Make a small change to the check_result module to change the symbols used to show when a check is correct or incorrect.
Remove the use of the generate from command-line interface
Since the generate command does not have all of the features it would need to be fully useful, remove it from the command-line so as to avoid confusion.
Fix bug to avoid crashing for incorrect configuration file
Ensure that GatorGrade does not crash when the --config parameter points to a missing configuration file.
Fix incorrect process return code
Return non-zero return codes when the use of gatorgrade fails.
GatorGrade 0.2.0
This release adds support for shell checks and improvements to the output.
What's Changed
- Execute shell checks and improve output by @mariakimheinert in #91
- Touch up the README by @mariakimheinert in #92
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0
GatorGrade 0.1.0
This release contains the complete first version of the GatorGrade program developed by Allegheny College's Spring 2022 Software Engineering class. Usage and installation instructions are available in the README.