Automate your projects with this powerful tool with many build options!
At package.json, add these 2 lines of code:
"com.gameworkstore.automation": ""
"com.gameworkstore.patterns": ""
And wait for unity to download and compile the package.
you can upgrade your version by including the release version at end of the link:
"com.gameworkstore.automation": ""
On a windows .bat file, you invoke unity to build your game as the example below:
call %UNITYPATH% -executeMethod GameWorkstore.Automation.BuildClass.BuildAndroid -projectPath %WORKSPACE% -gameversion %VERSION% -gamebundleversion %CODEVERSION%
You can also use Jenkins to attribute BUILD_NUMBER to CODEVERSION
or you can sum with a static number
name of the BuildScript asset. The target buildscript of your game, like 'BuildScript.asset'. don't forget to include '.asset' at end.
public version for the app/game. Use 1.0.0 for best results (applestore don't allow larger versions, some appstore are following).
exclusive code version for android and iOS. must be a integer.
- BuildWindows
- BuildMacOS
- BuildLinux
- BuildAndroid
- BuildIOS
- BuildServerWindows
- BuildServerLinux
- BuildServerMacOS
- BuildWebGL
- BuildUWP
If you are using this library and want to submit a change, go ahead! Overall, this project accepts contributions if:
- Is a bug fix;
- Or, is a generalization of a well-known issue;
- Or is performance improvement;
- Or is an improvement to already supported feature.
Also, you can donate to allow us to drink coffee while we improve it for you!