Welcome to the GPT Wizards community! We're a group of technologists and AI enthusiasts who are exploring the capabilities of OpenAI's GPT and developing new and innovative applications. This community is open to all contributors who are interested in exploring the potential of GPT.
The purpose of this community is to showcase the capabilities and use cases of GPT and to highlight the potential for innovation in this field. We aim to grow the GPT Wizards community through collaboration and collective learning.
Joining the GPT Wizards community is easy! Simply head to our Github repository and start exploring the prototypes created by our team. If you're interested in contributing, to existing prototypes, you can fork the repository and raise a pull request. Also, if you dont want to code, but have a great idea, create a issue and label as "New Idea" and we will pick it up.
To maintain the security and privacy of the data shared through this initiative, the following guidelines must be followed:
- The prototypes on the Github organization will not contain any sensitive data.
- Contributors are advised to not share any sensitive information as part of their contributions.
- All shared data should be considered as public information.
This initiative is built using GPT models by OpenAI