The system combines a database with a simple UI to help gamer track their stats over time and research the performances of others.The purpose of this system is to provided a convenient experience for gamer to improve skills. In the first phase of the development, data information will be specified , functionalities and several different Analytical queries will be provided.
****please open DatabaseProject.sln in visal studio and find Home.aspx,right click and open in browser. I do not know how to make an application file *****
you can access champion,leaderboard,rank,allgamerecord,purchasehistory and get query ressult without account. some of the data are not editable by user, user can only do following things: 1.regiser 2.login 3.change personal information 4.query and lookup data
If you want to access personal profile please register and link your account with following steps Steps: home page, click register 2. insert information and click "create" button 3.then click "back to home" button 4.type information and click "login" can change your personal information by clicking "edit" account name to link,click "edit" 7.then type your username, click"update"
1.Home page link --->Champion link ----check username and password ---> UserProfile link ---> leaderboard link ---> gamerecord link--->purchasehistary link--->rank
New Account page you can create new account. information will be insert to database after you click "register" button. if you see "Account registeration Success!". it's done! but you will need to run program again to refresh grid view table.
all game recored page all game data store in the database
4.champion champion info storeed in database
5.leardboard top players stored in database
6.purchasehistary all players transaction
7.rank all rank tire and player count in database
8.userporfile all personal information need passward to acess