📚 Documentation | 🔧 Installation Guide
MatterTune is a flexible and powerful machine learning library designed specifically for fine-tuning state-of-the-art chemistry foundation models. It provides intuitive interfaces for computational chemists and materials scientists to fine-tune pre-trained models on their specific use cases.
- Pre-trained model support: JMP, EquiformerV2, MatterSim, ORB, and more to be added.
- Multiple property predictions: energy, forces, stress, and custom properties.
- Various supported dataset formats: XYZ, ASE databases, Materials Project, Matbench, and more.
- Comprehensive training features with automated data splitting and logging.
import mattertune as mt
import mattertune.configs as MC
# Phase 1: Fine-tuning the model
# -----------------------------
# Define the configuration for model, data, and training
config = mt.configs.MatterTunerConfig(
# Configure the model: using JMP backbone with energy prediction
pretrained_model = "jmp-s", # Select pretrained model type
graph_computer = MC.JMPGraphComputerConfig(pbc=True)
properties = [
MC.EnergyPropertyConfig( # Configure energy prediction
loss=MC.MAELossConfig(), # Using MAE loss
loss_coefficient=1.0 # Weight for this property's loss
optimizer = MC.AdamWConfig(lr=8.0e-5)
# Configure the data: loading from XYZ file with automatic train/val split
src=Path("YOUR_XYZFILE_PATH") # Path to your XYZ data
train_split=0.8, # Use 80% of data for training
batch_size=32 # Process 32 structures per batch
# Configure the training process
max_epochs=10, # Train for 10 epochs
accelerator="gpu", # Use GPU for training
devices=[0] # Use first GPU
"inference_mode": False,
# Create tuner and start training
tuner = mt.MatterTune(config)
model, trainer = tuner.tune()
# Save the fine-tuned model
# Phase 2: Using the fine-tuned model
# ----------------------------------
from ase.optimize import BFGS
from ase import Atoms
# Load the fine-tuned model
model = mt.backbones.JMPBackboneModule.load_from_checkpoint("finetuned_model.ckpt")
# Create an ASE calculator from the model
calculator = model.ase_calculator()
# Set up an atomic structure
atoms = Atoms('H2O',
positions=[[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0]],
cell=[10, 10, 10],
atoms.calc = calculator
# Run geometry optimization
opt = BFGS(atoms)
# Get results
print("Final energy:", atoms.get_potential_energy())
print("Final forces:", atoms.get_forces())
MatterTune's core framework is licensed under the MIT License. Note that each supported model backbone is subject to its own licensing terms - see our license information page of the documentation for more details.
Coming soon.