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Automatically get FREE sheets of specific user on mymusicsheet and more.


HalyconMusic(ハルシオン Anime Piano Covers) is an exceptionally talented piano content creator. Not only does he produce high-quality videos, but he also generously shares his sheet music for free for a limited time after his videos' release. To prevent missing out on the free sheet music due to a busy personal life, I created this repo to get freesheets of but not limited to him. However, whenever I have time, I make sure to support the channel by liking, giving coins(bilibili), favoriting and leaving a comment. So even if using the flow, let's not just be passive viewers.


Use RSS to get user's free sheets and auto download them. Finally we send files via email or upload to onedrive. The sensitive data is saved in Github repo's secrets thus it's safe. Note: If you want to enable uploading to onedrive: see About Onedrive.


Though this repo origins from a need to download Halycon's sheets, We plan to support any composer's free sheet on mymusichseet and more. But please note that this repo is still under developing, you may fail to get their sheets when trying to subscribe other users due to some problem on the upstream RSS (Related RSS on RSSHub: mymusicsheet-UserSheets). To subscribe another composer or more composers, please modify the subscriptions file in the repo, the format is mms|USERNAME(Each composer occupies a line). We subscribe HalcyonMusic's free sheets by default. Open an issue if you face problems, and pr is welcomed. (Though I think few guys can find here without advertising...)

Use Github Action

  1. Fork the repo
  2. Use your own information to set the needed secrets in your repo(Repo Settings -- Secrets and variables -- Actions -- Secrets). You need an email with SMTP host, port, account and app password. Check out User config for the full config we need.
  3. Enable Workflow r/w permissions Settings -- Actions -- General
  4. Allow the actions to run on your forked repos: a. Actions-->click "I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them" b. Enable the auto download workflow: auto download-->Enable workflow Then the action will be triggered when pushing to repo or reaching a certain time everyday. The latter can be set in the auto_download.yml. To test whether your config is correct, you can run a test immediately following the steps below: If you enable the email sending and set your mail data properly, you should receive an email with run data. You can also check the history running results from the actions tab.

Use Docker

  1. Download the config file:
wget -O .localconfig.yaml
  1. Replace your own data in the yaml above. Check out User config for the full config we need.
  2. Enable Workflow r/w permissions
  3. Download image and run:
docker pull fredyu13/auto-halcyon
docker run -d --name auto-halcyon -v $(pwd)/.localconfig.yaml:/app/.localconfig.yaml fredyu13/auto-halcyon

User config

This is for Github Action Secrets, but it's similar for yamls when using docker or running locally

Variable Description Example Value
MMS_email Email associated with MMS website. [email protected]
MMS_password Password for the MMS. passwordiiyokoiyo
MMS_savefolder_path Path to the save folder for MMS. files (recommended)
RSS_url URL of the RSS feed.
RSS_key key of your self-hosted rsshub. url->url/SOMEROUTE?key={key} If you don't know what is it, just leave it empty. 123
enable_email_notify Whether to notify downloading result via email (1 enable, 0 disable) 1
Email_sender Email address used to send emails. [email protected]
Email_receivers Email addresses designated to receive emails. [email protected]
Email_smtp_host SMTP server address used to send emails.
Email_smtp_port SMTP server port used to send emails. 11451
Email_mail_license SMTP password or authorization used for sending emails. 1145141919810
Email_send_logs Whether to send email with logs (1 enable, 0 disable) 1
enable_od_upload Whether to also upload sheets to onedrive (1 enable, 0 disable) 0
od_client_id onedrive app client id 114514
od_client_secret onedrive app client secret value 114514
od_redirect_uri onedrive app redirect_ur http://localhost:9001
od_upload_dir which onedrive dir to upload sheets to relative to the root, do NOT start with '/' halycon_sheets


Run locally

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a .localconfig.yaml from localconfig.yaml and fill in your data. Check out User config for the full config we need.
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. python

Build Docker

  1. Clone this repo
  2. Create a .localconfig.yaml from localconfig.yaml and fill in your data.
  3. docker build -t auto-halcyon -f docker/Dockerfile .
  4. docker run -d --name auto_halcyon auto-halcyon:latest The schedule task can be adjusted by modifing the ./docker/crontab.


About RSS

Currently the repo depends on MMS user route rss from RSSHub. It's recommended to replace the domain with your self-hosted rsshub url, because the public hub can sometimes be banned by source sites. Besides, self-hosting one is quite benefit for your other future usage. If you don't have one, you can use the default url For more info, please check RSSHub doc.

About Onedrive

To save to onedrive, you need to create an app in Azure. Note that currently only onedrive business international is tested. Check out here for detailed instructions of getting required data. The onedrive needs a login for the first time, after that the token will be saved to _refresh_token. As I have no idea how to receive auth callback in github action, the code assumes there's already a token file with token. Thus you need to run on local first to generate the token file. For github action:

  1. Fork this repo,
  2. Follow Run locally (clone your own repo) to run once.
  3. Check if the token file generates successfully, and push the code with token file to your repo.
git add _refresh_token && git commit -m "add token" && git push
  1. Follow Use Github Action

About Email

The enable_email_notify is used to send you downloading result including sheets and app log. If you disable the email, there's still another way to save your sheets: remove the MMS_savefolder_path directory if it exists in the .gitignore. The action will update the downloaded sheets to your repo. But it's not a good behavior to share others' sheets without permission, thus it's not recommended to disable email before other uploading method is supported.


  • Email notification
  • Ignore History downloaded sheets
  • Docker support
  • Save to Onedrive/Cloudreve
  • Gumroad support


The scripts provided in this repo is intended for personal use and convenience. It is the user's responsibility to use this tool in accordance with the terms of service and policies of MMS.

The author of this repo shall not be held responsible for any misuse or improper use of this tool, including but not limited to any violations of MMS's terms of service, copyright infringement, or any other legal or ethical concerns.

Users are advised to exercise discretion and adhere to all applicable laws and regulations when using this tool. The author of this tool disclaim all liability for any consequences resulting from the use of this tool.

By using this tool, you agree to accept all responsibility and legal consequences that may arise from its use. Please use this tool responsibly and in compliance with MMS's terms and conditions.