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Releases: Flyer53/jsPanel

jsPanel version 2.6.3

14 Sep 13:35
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This is only an update of the I wanted to show on npm asw well.
Otherwise this version is exactly the same as 2.6.2

jsPanel version 2.6.2

19 Mar 10:42
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fixes an issue in jsPanel.exportPanels() when exporting minimized jsPanels.

jsPanel version 2.6.1

23 Jan 14:49
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includes a bugfix when usin option.position left/top with the value 0

jsPanel version 2.6.0

04 Dec 14:39
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This version adds a few options to assign before/after callbacks for jsPanel.close/maximize/minimize/normalize actions.

jsPanel version 2.5.5

08 Oct 14:05
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This version fixex a bug in option.ajax causing unnecessary get requests whenever a jsPanel is created

jsPanel version 2.5.4

28 Sep 12:18
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fixes a bug with option.position when using { top: 'auto', left: 'auto' }

jsPanel version 2.5.3

21 Jul 15:45
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version 2.5.3 release

jsPanel version 2.5.2

13 May 21:02
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fixes positioning issue with IE

jsPanel version 2.5.1

12 May 06:53
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  • correction of a minor css issue with footer toolbars
  • draggable cursor removed from footer toolbar when option.draggable: "disabled"
  • option.toolbarFooter modified

jsPanel version 2.5.0

04 May 12:29
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New option.controls.confirmClose. If set to a text value this text will be used for a window.confirm() and panel will only be closed if true is returned (only for close button of panel)