- Introduction and foreword (@thosgood)
- I. Étale morphisms (@thosgood)
- Basics of differential calculus
- Quasi-finite morphisms
- Unramified morphisms
- Étale morphisms. Étale covers
- Fundamental property of étale morphisms
- Application to étale extensions of complete local rings
- Local construction of unramified and étale morphisms
- Infinitesimal lifting of étale schemes. Applications to formal schemes
- Invariance properties
- Étale covers of a normal scheme
- Various addenda
- II. Smooth morphisms: generalities, differential properties (@thosgood)
- Generalities
- Some smoothness criteria for morphisms (3)
- Invariance properties (1)
- Differential properties of smooth morphisms (17)
- The case of a base field (6)
- III. Smooth morphisms: extension properties
- Formally smooth homomorphisms (4)
- Characteristic lifting property of formally smooth homomorphisms (5)
- Local infinitesimal extension of morphisms in a smooth
$S$ -scheme (2) - Local infinitesimal extension of smooth
$S$ -schemes (1) - Global infinitesimal extension of morphisms (7)
- Global infinitesimal extension of smooth
$S$ -schemes (5) - Application to the construction of smooth formal schemes and of smooth ordinary schemes over a complete local ring
$A$ (5)
- IV. Flat morphisms
- Syllogisms on flat modules (3)
- Faithfully flat modules (3)
- Relations to completion (1)
- Relations to free modules (2)
- Local flatness criteria (5)
- Flat morphisms and open sets (5)
- V. The fundamental group: generalities
0. [ ] Introduction (1)
- Preschemes with finite operator groups. Quotient preschemes (5)
- Decomposition groups and inertia groups. Étale case (6)
- Automorphisms and morphisms of étale coverings (2)
- Axiomatic conditions for a Galois theory (9)
- Galois categories (7)
- Exact functors from one Galois category to another (6)
- Case of preschemes (3)
- Case of a normal base prescheme (1)
- Case of non-connected preschemes: multi-Galois categories (1)
- VI. Fibred categories and descent
0. [ ] Introduction (1)
- Universes, categories, equivalence of categories (2)
- Categories over one another (4)
- Base change for categories over
$\mathcal{E}$ (6) - Fibred categories. Equivalence of
$\mathcal{E}$ -categories (3) - Cartesian morphisms, inverse images, cartesian functors (3)
- Fibred categories and pre-fibred categories (6)
- Cloven categories over
$\mathcal{E}$ (5) - Cloven category defined by a pseudofunctor
$\mathcal{E}^\circ\to\mathsf{Cat}$ (4) - Example: cloven category defined by a functor
$\mathcal{E}^\circ\to\mathsf{Cat}$ . Categories split over$\mathcal{E}$ (2) - Co-fibred categories, bi-fibred categories (1)
- Various examples (7)
- Functors on a cloven category (5)
- Bibliography (1)
- VII. (Does not exist)
- VIII. Faithfully flat descent
- Descent for quasi-coherent modules (7)
- Descent for affine preschemes over one another (1)
- Descent of set-theoretic properties and finiteness properties of morphisms (2)
- Descent of topological properties (5)
- Descent of morphisms of preschemes (6)
- Applications to finite and quasi-finite morphisms (3)
- Effectiveness criteria for a descent data (8)
- Bibliography (1)
- IX. Descent of étale morphisms. Applications to the fundamental group
- Reminders on étale morphisms (3)
- Submersive and universally submersive morphisms (2)
- Descent of étale morphisms of preschemes (2)
- Descent of étale preschemes: effectiveness criteria (7)
- Translation in terms of the fundamental group (11)
- A fundamental exact sequence. Descent by morphisms with relatively connected fibres (7)
- Bibliography (1)
- X. Specialisation theory of the fundamental group
- Exact sequence of homotopy for a proper and separable morphism (7)
- Application to the existence theorem of sheaves: semi-continuity theorem for fundamental groups of fibres of a proper and separable morphism (7)
- Application to the purity theorem: continuity theorem for fundamental groups of fibres of a proper and simple morphism (9)
- Bibliography (1)
- XI. Examples and addenda
- Projective spaces, unirational varieties (1)
- Abelian varieties (4)
- Projecting cones. Zariski's example (2)
- Exact sequence of cohomology (7)
- Particular cases of principal bundles (3)
- Applications to principal coverings: Kummer and Artinschreier theories (8)
- Bibliography (1)
- XII. Algebraic geometry and analytic geometry
- Analytic space associated to a scheme (4)
- Comparison of properties of a scheme and the associated analytic space (4)
- Comparison of properties of morphisms (6)
- Cohomological comparison theorems and existence theorems (6)
- Comparison theorems for étale coverings (11)
- Bibliography (1)
- XIII. Cohomological properties of sheaves of sets and of sheaves of non-commutative groups
0. [ ] Reminders on the theory of stacks (1)
- Cohomological properness (3)
- Particular case of cohomological properness: relative normal crossing divisors (26)
- Cohomological properness and generic local acyclicity (19)
- Exact sequences of homotopy (15)
- Appendix I: Variations on Abhyankar's lemma (8)
- Appendix II: Finiteness theorem for direct images of stacks (4)
- Bibliography (1)
- Introduction
- I. Global and local cohomological invariants with respect to a closed subspace
- The functors
$\Gamma_Z$ and$\underline{\Gamma}_Z$ (7) - The functors
$\operatorname{H}_Z^\bullet(X,F)$ and$\underline{\operatorname{H}}_Z^\bullet(F)$ (6)
- The functors
- II. Applications to quasi-coherent sheaves on preschemes (8)
- III. Cohomological invariants and depth
- Reminders (1)
- Depth (6)
- Depth and topological properties (9)
- IV. Dualising modules and dualising functors
- Generalities on functors of modules (4)
- Characterisation of exact functors (1)
- Study of the case where
$T$ is left exact and$T(M)$ is of finite type for all$M$ (3) - Dualising module. Dualising functor (5)
- Consequences of the theory of dualising modules (5)
- V. Local duality and structure of the
$\operatorname{H}^i(M)$ - Complexes of homomorphisms (3)
- The local duality theorem for a local regular ring (1)
- Application to the structure of the
$\operatorname{H}^i(M)$ (7)
- VI. The functors
$\operatorname{Ext}(X;F,G)$ and$\underline{\operatorname{Ext}}(F,G)$ - Generalities (3)
- Application to quasi-coherent sheaves on preschemes (2)
- VII. Nullity criteria. Coherence conditions for the sheaves
$\underline{\operatorname{Ext}}(F,G)$ - Study of
$i < n$ (5) - Study of
$i > n$ (2)
- Study of
- VIII. Finiteness theorem
- Bi-duality spectral sequence (5)
- Finiteness theorem (7)
- Applications (3)
- IX. Algebraic geometry and formal geometry
- Comparison theorem (8)
- Existence theorem (4)
- X. Applications to the fundamental group
- Comparison of
$\mathsf{Et}(\widehat{X})$ with$\mathsf{Et}(Y)$ (1) - Comparison of
$\mathsf{Et}(Y)$ with$\mathsf{Et}(U)$ , for varying 𝑈 (5) - Comparison of
$\pi_1(X)$ with$\pi_1(U)$ (7)
- Comparison of
- XI. Applications to the Picard group
- Comparison of
$\operatorname{Pic}(\widehat{X})$ with$\operatorname{Pic}(Y)$ (1) - Comparison of
$\operatorname{Pic}(Y)$ with$\operatorname{Pic}(U)$ , for varying$U$ (5) - Comparison of
$\mathsf{P}(X)$ with$\mathsf{P}(U)$ (7)
- Comparison of
- XII. Applications to projective algebraic schemes
- Projective duality theorem and finiteness theorem (7)
- Lefschetz theory for a projective morphism: Grauert's comparison theorem (4)
- Lefschetz theory for a projective morphism: existence theorem (7)
- Formal completion and normal flatness (10)
- Universal finiteness conditions for a non-proper morphism (8)
- XIII. Problems and conjectures
- Links between local and global results. Affine problems relating to duality (4)
- Problems relating to
$\pi_0$ : local Bertini theorems (5) - Problems relating to
$\pi_1$ (2) - Problems relating to higher
$\pi_i$ : local and global Lefschetz theorems for complex analytic spaces (6) - Problems relating to local Picard groups (5)
- Comments (7)
- XIV. Depth and Lefschetz theorems in étale cohomology
- Cohomological and homotopic depth (30)
- Technical lemmas (7)
- Converse of the affine Lefschetz theorem (12)
- Main theorem and variations (21)
- Geometric depth (6)
- Open questions (5)
- I. Algebraic structures. Group cohomology
- Generalities (12)
- Algebraic structures (7)
- Category of
$\mathcal{O}$ -modules, category of$G$ -$\mathcal{O}$-modules (2) - Algebraic structures in the category of preschemes (15)
- Group cohomology (6)
- II. Tangent bundles. Lie algebras
$\underline{\operatorname{Hom}}_{Z/S}(X,Y)$ functors (2) - The preschemes
$I_S(M)$ (3) - The tangent bundle, the (E) condition (11)
- Tangent space of a group. Lie algebras (15)
- Calculation of some Lie algebras (6)
- Various remarks (3)
- III. Infinitesimal extensions
0. [ ] Reminders from SGA 1 III. Various remarks (15)
- Extensions and cohomology (12)
- Infinitesimal extensions of a morphism of group preschemes (9)
- Infinitesimal extensions of a group prescheme (6)
- Infinitesimal extensions of closed subgroups (32)
- IV. Topologies and sheaves
- Universal effective epimorphisms (6)
- Descent morphisms (5)
- Universal effective equivalence relations (14)
- Topologies and sheaves (43)
- Passage to the quotient and algebraic structures (10)
- Topologies in the category of schemes (12)
- V. Construction of quotient preschemes
$\mathcal{C}$ -groupoids (4) - Examples of
$\mathcal{C}$ -groupoids (2) - Some syllogisms for
$\mathcal{C}$ -groupoids (5) - Passage to the quotient by a finite and flat equivalence prerelation (5)
- Passage to the quotient by a finite and flat equivalence relation (4)
- Passage to the quotient when there exists a quasi-section (5)
- Passage to the quotient by a proper and flat equivalence prerelation (5)
- Passage to the quotient by a flat and non-necessarily proper equivalence prerelation (3)
- Elimination of Noetherian hypotheses (3)
- VIa. Generalities on algebraic groups
0. [ ] Preliminary remarks (4)
- Local properties of an
$A$ -group of locally finite type (4) - Connected components of an
$A$ -group of locally finite type (5) - Construction of quotient groups: case of groups of finite type (6)
- Construction of quotient groups: general case (6)
- Addenda (5)
- Local properties of an
- VIb. Generalities on group preschemes
- Morphisms of groups of locally finite type over a field (9)
- "Open properties" of groups and morphisms of groups of locally finite presentation (12)
- Identity component of a group of locally finite presentation (7)
- Dimension of fibres of groups of locally finite presentation (4)
- Separation of groups and homogeneous spaces (6)
- Sub-functors and group sub-preschemes (5)
- Generated subgroups; commutator group (12)
- Solvable and nilpotent group preschemes (5)
- Quotient sheaves (6)
- Passage to the projective limit for group preschemes and operator group preschemes (11)
- Affine group preschemes (16)
- VIIa. Infinitesimal study of group schemes: differential operators and Lie
$p$ -algebras- Differential operators (5)
- Invariant differential operators on group preschemes (7)
- Coalgebras and Cartier duality (10)
- "Frobeniuseries" (11)
- Lie
$p$ -algebras (9) - Lie
$p$ -algebras of a group$S$ -prescheme (7) - Radicial groups of height 1 (8)
- Case of a base field (6)
- VIIb. Infinitesimal study of group schemes: formal groups
0. [ ] Reminders on pseudocompact rings and modules (15)
- Formal varieties over a pseudocompact ring (20)
- Generalities on formal groups (19)
- Phenomena particular to characteristic 0 (10)
- Phenomena particular to characteristic
$p>0$ (10) - Homogeneous spaces of infinitesimal formal groups over a field (13)
3-II. Group schemes II: Groups of multiplicative type, and structure of general group schemes {#sga-3-II}
- VIII. Diagonalisable groups
- Biduality (5)
- Scheme-theoretic properties of diagonalisable groups (1)
- Exactness properties of the functor
$D_S$ (4) - Torsors under a diagonalisable group (4)
- Quotient of an affine scheme by a diagonalisable group acting freely (5)
- Essentially free morphisms, and representability of certain functors of the form
$\prod_{Y/S}Z/Y$ (5) - Appendix: Monomorphisms of group preschemes (25)
- IX. Groups of multiplicative type: homomorphisms to a group scheme
- Definitions (3)
- Extension of certain properties of diagonalisable groups to groups of multiplicative type (6)
- Infinitesimal properties: lifting and conjugation theorem (4)
- Density theorem (8)
- Central homomorphisms of groups of multiplicative type (5)
- Monomorphisms of groups of multiplicative type and canonical factorisation of a homomorphism of such a group (5)
- Algebraicity of formal homomorphisms to an affine group (6)
- Subgroups, quotient groups, and extensions of groups of multiplicative type over a field (3)
- X. Characterisation and classification of group of multiplicative types
- Classification of isotrivial groups: case of a base field (4)
- Infinitesimal variations of structure (5)
- Infinitesimal finite variations of structure: case of a complete base ring (6)
- Case of an arbitrary base. Quasi-isotriviality theorem (6)
- Scheme of homomorphisms from one multiplicative type group to another. Twisted constant groups and groups of multiplicative type (8)
- Infinite principal Galois coverings and the enlarged fundamental group (6)
- Classification of twisted constant preschemes and finite groups of multiplicative type in terms of the enlarged fundamental group (4)
- Appendix: Elimination of certain affine hypotheses (11)
- XI. Representability criteria. Applications to multiplicative subgroups of affine group schemes
0. [ ] Introduction (1)
- Reminders on smooth, étale, and unramified morphisms (9)
- Examples of formally smooth functors extracted from the theory of groups of multiplicative type (4)
- Auxiliary results on representability (16)
- Scheme of subgroups of multiplicative type of an affine smooth group (7)
- First corollaries of the representability theorem (7)
- On a rigidity property for homomorphisms of certain group schemes, and the representability of certain transporters (9)
- XII. Maximal toruses, Weyl group, Cartan subgroup, reductive centre of smooth and affine group schemes
- Maximal toruses (1)
- The Weyl group (10)
- Cartan subgroups (5)
- The reductive centre (2)
- Application to the scheme of subgroups of multiplicative type (12)
- Maximal toruses and Cartan subgroups of not-necessarily affine algebraic groups (over an algebraically closed base field) (6)
- Application to non-necessarily affine smooth group preschemes (23)
- Semi-simple elements, union and intersection of maximal toruses in non-necessarily affine group schemes (2)
- XIII. Regular elements of algebraic groups and of Lie algebras
- An auxiliary lemma on varieties with operators (4)
- Density theorem and the theory of regular points of 𝐺 (16)
- Case of a prescheme over an arbitrary base (7)
- Lie algebras over a field: rank, regular elements, Cartan sub-algebras (7)
- Case of the Lie algebra of a smooth algebraic group: density theorem (8)
- Cartan sub-algebras and subgroups of type (C), with respect to a smooth algebraic group (5)
- XIV. Regular elements (continued). Applications to algebraic groups
- Construction of Cartan subgroups and maximal toruses for a smooth algebraic group (3)
- Lie algebras on an arbitrary prescheme: regular sections and Cartan sub-algebras (13)
- Subgroups of type (C) of group preschemes over an arbitrary prescheme (11)
- Digression on Borel subgroups (7)
- Relations between Cartan subgroups and Cartan sub-algebras (4)
- Applications to the structure of algebraic groups (8)
- Appendix: Existence of regular elements over finite fields (7)
- XV. Addenda on sub-toruses of group preschemes. Application to smooth groups
0. [ ] Introduction (1)
- Lifting finite subgroups (7)
- Infinitesimal lifting of sub-toruses (17)
- Characterisation of a sub-torus by its underlying set (24)
- Characterisation of a sub-torus
$T$ by the subgroups${}_nT$ (11) - Representability of the functor: smooth subgroups identical to their connected normaliser (13)
- Functor of Cartan subgroups and functor of parabolic subgroups (13)
- Cartan subgroups of a smooth group (14)
- Representability criteria of the functor of sub-toruses of a smooth group (25)
- XVI. Groups of unipotent rank zero
- An immersion criterion (19)
- Representability theorem for quotients (7)
- Groups with flat centre (10)
- Groups with affine fibres, of unitpotent rank zero (4)
- Application to reductive and semi-simple groups (3)
- Applications: extension of certain rigidity properties of toruses of groups of unipotent rank zero (5)
- XVII. Unipotent algebraic groups. Extensions between unipotent groups and group of multiplicative types
0. [ ] Some notation (2)
- Definition of unipotent algebraic groups (4)
- First properties of unipotent groups (9)
- Unipotent groups acting on a vector space (10)
- Characterisation of unipotent groups (16)
- Extension of a group of multiplicative type by a unipotent group (29)
- Extension of a unipotent group by a group of multiplicative type (9)
- Nilpotent affine algebraic groups (7)
- Appendix I: Hochschild cohomology and extensions of algebraic groups (5)
- Appendix II: Reminders and addenda on radicial groups (4)
- Appendix III: Remarks and addenda for chapters XV, XVI, and XVII (5)
- XVIII. Weil's theorem on the construction of a group from a rational law
0. [ ] Introduction (1)
- "Reminders" on rational maps (2)
- Local determination of a morphism of groups (4)
- Construction of a group from a rational law (15)
- XIX. Reductive groups: generalities
- Reminders on groups over an algebraically closed field (9)
- Reductive group schemes: definitions and first properties (5)
- Roots and root systems of reductive group schemes (4)
- Roots and vector group schemes (6)
- An instructive example
- Local existence of maximal toruses. The Weyl group (4)
- XX. Reductive groups of semi-simple rank 1
- Elementary systems. The groups
$P_r$ and$P_{-r}$ (12) - Structure of elementary systems (13)
- The Weyl group (11)
- The isomorphism theorem (2)
- Examples of elementary systems, applications (7)
- Generators and relations for an elementary system (5)
- Elementary systems. The groups
- XXI. Radicial data
- Generalities (7)
- Relations between two roots (5)
- Simple roots, positive roots (20)
- Reduced raditical data of semi-simple rank 2 (4)
- The Weyl group: generators and relations (6)
- Morphisms of radicial data (17)
- Structure (12)
- XXII. Reductive groups: split groups, subgroups, quotient groups
- Roots and coroots. Split groups and radicial data (9)
- Existence of split groups. Type of a reductive group (3)
- The Weyl group (3)
- Homomorphisms of split groups (16)
- Subgroups of type (R) (64)
- The derived group (12)
- XXIII. Reductive groups: uniticity of pinned groups
- Pinnings (8)
- Generators and relations for a pinned group (14)
- Groups of semi-simple rank 2 (20)
- Uniqueness of pinned groups: fundamental theorem (8)
- Corollaries of the fundamental theorem (5)
- Chevalley systems (5)
- XXIV. Automorphisms of reductive groups
- XXV. Existence theorem
- XXVI Parabolic subgroups of reductive groups
- I. Presheaves
- II. Topologies and sheaves
- III. Functoriality of categories of sheaves
- IV. Toposes
- V. Cohomology in toposes
- Vb. Techniques for cohomological descent
- VI. Finiteness conditions. Fibred toposes and sites. Applications to questions of passing to the limit
- VII. Étale site and topos of a scheme
- VIII. Fibred functors, supports, cohomological study of finite morphisms
- IX. Constructible sheaves. Cohomology of an algebraic curve
- X. Cohomological dimension: first results
- XI. Comparison with classical cohomology: the case of a smooth prescheme
- XII. Base change theorem for a proper morphism
- XIII. Base change theorem for a proper morphism: end of proof
- XIV. Finiteness theorem for a proper morphism; cohomological dimension of affine algebraic schemes
- XV. Acyclic morphisms
- XVI. Base change theorem for a smooth morphism, and applications
- XVII. Cohomology with proper support
- XVIII. The global duality formula
- XIX. Cohomology of excellent preschemes of equal characteristic
- 0. An Ariadne's thread for SGA 4, SGA 4½, and SGA 5
- 1. Étale cohomology: starting points
- 2. Relation to the trace formula
- 3.
$L$ -functions modulo$\ell^n$ and modulo$p$ - 4. Cohomology class associated to a cycle
- 5. Duality
- 6. Applications of the trace formula to trigonometric sums
- 7. Finiteness theorems in
$\ell$ -adic cohomology - 8. Derived categories
- I. Dualising complexes
- II. (Does not exist)
- III. The Lefschetz formula
- IIIb. Calculations of local terms
- IV. (Does not exist)
- V. 𝐽-adic projective systems
- VI.
$\ell$ -adic cohomology - VII. Cohomology of some classical schemes; cohomological theory of Chern classes
- VIII. Groups of classes of abelian and triangulated categories, perfect complexes
- IX. (Does not exist)
- X. The Euler--Poincaré formula in étale cohomology
- XI. (Does not exist)
- XII. The Nielsen--Wecken and Lefschetz formulas in algebraic geometry
- XIII. (Does not exist)
- XIV. The Frobenius morphism, and rationality of
$L$ -functions
- 0. Outline of a programme for an intersection theory (18) (@thosgood)
- 0[RRR]. Classes of sheaves and the Riemann--Roch theorem (@thosgood)
- I. Generalities on finiteness conditions in derived categories (@thosgood)
0. [x] Introduction
- Preliminary definitions (11)
- Pseudo-coherent complexes (18)
- Link to the classical notion of coherence (7)
- Perfect complexes (12)
- Finite
$\operatorname{Tor}$ -dimension and perfection (10) - Rank of a perfect complex (9)
- Duality of perfect complexes (6)
- Traces and cup-products (5)
- II. Existence of global resolutions
- III. Relative finiteness conditions
- IV. Grothendieck groups of ringed toposes (@thosgood)
- Reminders and generalities on Grothendieck groups (5)
- The functors
$K_\bullet$ and$K^\bullet$ on a ringed topos (12) - Supplement on the Grothendieck groups of schemes (7)
- V. Generalities on
$\lambda$ -rings - VI.
$K^\bullet$ of a projective bundle: calculations and consequences - VII. Regular immersions and calculation of
$K^\bullet$ of a blown-up scheme - VIII. The Riemann--Roch theorem
- IX. Some calculations of
$K$ groups - X. Formalism of intersections on proper algebraic schemes
- XI. (Does not exist)
- XII. Relative representability theorem for the Picard functor
- XIII. Finiteness theorems for the Picard functor
- XIV. Open problems in intersection theory
- I. Summary of the first talks by A. Grothendieck
- II. Finiteness properties of the fundamental group
- III. (Does not exist)
- IV. (Does not exist)
- V. (Does not exist)
- VI. Formal deformation theory
- VII. Bi-extension of sheaves of groups
- VIII. Addenda on bi-extensions. General properties of bi-extensions of group schemes
- IX. Néron models and monodromy
- X. Intersections on regular surfaces
- XI. Cohomology of complete intersections
- XII. Quadrics
- XIII. Formalism of vanishing cycles
- XIV. Comparison with transcendental theory
- XV. The Picard--Lefschetz formula
- XVI. The Milnor formula
- XVII. Lefschetz pencils: existence theorem
- XVIII. Cohomological study of Lefschetz pencils
- XIX. Noether's theorem
- XX Griffiths's theorem
- XXI. Level of cohomology of complete intersections
- XXII. Congruence formula for the 𝜻-function