Xposed module for Samsung U (Android 14) devices.
The module has the following features:
- Fake system status to Official
- Custom advanced power menu options:
- Power off
- Restart
- Emergency mode
- Recovery
- Download
- Data mode switch
- Screenshot
- Switch User (when multi user is enabled)
- SystemUI restart
- Flashlight
- Screen Recorder (requires Samsung screen recorder app installed)
- Disable restart confirmation
- Enable call recording
- Replace add call button instead of call recording
- Skip tracks with volume buttons
- Enable call recording from menu
- Auto call recording
- Hide VoLTE icon in status bar
- Hide persistent USB connection notification
- Hide persistent charging notification
- Enable block phrases in messages app settings
- Enable native blur on notification panel pull down
- Enable multi user toggle
- Set max user value selector
- Show seconds in status bar clock toggle
- Show clock date on right of clock toggle
- Add date to status bar clock options
- Enable biometrics and fingerprints unlock on reboot toggle
- Add network speed menu to show network speed in the status bar
- Data icon symbol selection (4G, LTE, 4G+, 4.5G)
- Show Data usage view in quick panel
- Double tap for sleep
- Hide NFC icon
- Disable Bluetooth toggle popup
- Disable sync toggle popup
- Disable high level brightness poup
- Hide carrier label
- Carrier label size selection
- Disable loud volume warning
- Disable volume control sound
- Disable low battery sound
- Screen timeout settings
- NFC behavior settings
- Auto MTP
- Disable camera temperature check
- Enable camera shutter sound menu
- Disable call number formatting
- Disable SMS to MMS threshold
- Force MMS connect
- Bypass exchange security (currently not working)
- Disable signature check
- Disable secure flag
THERE COULD BE BUGS/CRASHES/BOOTLOOPS, but it's pretty stable. Please upload any xposed logs when you encounter any issue. I can't help you without the logs! Confirmed working on:
- Galaxy S21 FE
To install this module you need the following apps and modules installed on your device:
- Magisk v26.0 and above - https://github.com/topjohnwu/Magisk/releases
- LSPosed Magisk Zygisk Release module v1.9.2 and above - https://github.com/LSPosed/LSPosed/releases
- LSPosed Magisk module v1.9.2 and above - https://github.com/LSPosed/LSPosed/releases
- Riru Magisk module v26.1.7 and above - https://github.com/RikkaApps/Riru/releases
- Some features are removed on purpose. Since GravityBox has been working on Samsung devices for a while without much issues, I only implemented features that need special Samsung coding. You can check You can check GravityBox for R, when it will become available, for additional features.
- Double tap for sleep not working.
- Data icon symbol selection not working.
The project uses the following libraries:
- https://github.com/rovo89/XposedBridge
- https://github.com/rovo89/XposedMods/tree/master/XposedLibrary
- Samsung framework libraries which are used for compile only
This module wouldn't have been here without the following people:
- The people behind LSPosed for their amazing work!
- RikkaW - Creator of Riru Magisk module, which provides a way to inject codes into zygote process
- rovo89 - Creator of the original Xposed framework APIs
- solohsu and MlgmXyysd - Creators of the EdXposed Magisk module and Installer that made all of this possible
- C3C0 - Creator of GravityBox Xposed modules, which I learnt a lot from
- Wanam - Creator of the original XTouchWiz module, which this module is based on.
- topjohnwu - Creator of Magisk
- AbrahamGC - For the Extended Power Menu - Pie - Odex framework Smali guide
- Big thank you to m8980 and ianmacd for testing countless versions and sending xposed logs
This is a moded version of Wanam's XTouchWiz: https://github.com/wanam/XTouchWiz
Announcements and pre release versions - https://t.me/firefdskit