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Crypto token Sample

This project is build up for ERC-20 token where token count and valued is defined by contract creator.

✨ This repository showing that how we are using clean code architecture, folder structure, and component reusability.✨

We at Fiftyfive Technologies follow the practices defined by SOLID principles and Clean Architecture.


  • Functionality : Work correctly, efficiently, and robustly.
  • Readability : The primary audience for our code is other developers.
  • Extensibility : Well-designed code should be extensible as a building block for solving new problems.
  • Scalability : The code that can scale along with the need of your business.

Tech Stack

  • NodeJS - JS runtime environment
  • Truffle - Web3 development framework on top of node.
  • Ganache - For local web3 environment to maintain dev/testing blockchain.
  • Metamask - For decentralised crypto wallet.
  • Solidity - To generate smart contracts.

Package manager - npm

This project is using npm as package manager, if you do not have this installed on your machine please start by looking at the npm docuentation and tutorials. After installing the package manager the following commands will be availible for you:

  • npm install - Installing dev dependencies.
  • npm run start:local - To start the sever.

If you seem to still have issues with these commands, try running npm cache clean and do npm install or npm install --legacy-peer-deps


Project is using ESLint to make sure that we keep same coding style in the project. Currently the project is using default ruleset, but custom can be defined in .eslintrc.json.

How to use this package

To use this package, enter this simple command on your Terminal or any other tool that can run npm commands.

To install package dependencies

npm install

To compile the project

truffle compile

To migrate/deploy contract

truffle migrate

To start unit testing

truffle test

Use Truffle Cli to intract with deployed contract

Project structure

│   ├───Migrations.sol
│   └───TestCoin.sol
│   ├───1_initial_migration.js
│   └───2_Test_Coin.js
│   └───abis/
│       ├───Context.json
│       ├───ERC20.json
│       ├───ERC20Burnable.json
│       ├───IERC20.json
│       ├───IERC20Metadata.json
│       ├───Migrations.json
│       └───TestCoin.json
│   └───test_coin.js
├── truffle-config.js

contracts - Contains the solidity contract for crypto test token which holds up the Ether in exchange of TTC with its exchange rate and existing limitations .

src/abis - It contain json file generated on compiling contract which help us to intract with contract's methods.

migrations - Migration file is for deploying and migrating contract to configured web3 network.

test - Using chai as testing framework for writing test cases and run test suit for the contract that are generated in contracts directory with help of abis on the respective contracts.

truffle-config.js - It consist on network configration where we need to deploy out our contract.


Fiftyfive Technologies

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