Welcome to the Chuck Norris Jokes App, where laughter meets technology! 🚀 You can view it live here
This delightful web application fetches Chuck Norris jokes from the ChuckNorris.io API and presents them in a fun and interactive manner. With a sleek and responsive design, users can enjoy a good laugh on any device.
- Categories Galore: Choose from a variety of categories, each offering a unique flavor of Chuck Norris humor.
- Random Jokes: Click a category button to unveil a randomly selected Chuck Norris joke and brighten your day.
- Interactive Carousel: Explore categories effortlessly with a slick carousel slider for a seamless and engaging experience.
This app is powered by the latest technologies in web development:
- React (LTS): The foundation for building dynamic user interfaces.
- TypeScript: Adding static typing for enhanced developer experience and code quality.
- GraphQL (Apollo Client & Server): Efficiently fetching Chuck Norris jokes from the ChuckNorris.io API.
- NodeJS (LTS): Running the GraphQL server.
- Less.js: Styling the app with ease.
- State Management (Context API): Managing application state for a smooth user experience.
- React Slick: Creating an aesthetically pleasing carousel slider.
Clone Repository:
bashCopy code
git clone https://github.com/Fideltodayy/ChuckNorris-GraphQL-API
Install Dependencies:
bashCopy code
cd chucknorris-graphql-client npm install
Run the App:
bashCopy code
npm start
Open in Browser: Visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
Your feedback is highly valued! Try out the Chuck Norris Jokes App and share your thoughts. Feel free to reach out with suggestions or improvements. Let's keep the laughter rolling! 😄
Happy Chuckling! 🎉