Using a web server in Rust is easy, simply choose between Rocket or Actix (or others). But what about handling password hashes generated from Spring Security? I could not find anything, so this library is meant to fill the gap.
Note/Warning: This is a learning project (yet)! I'm usually developing with Java, this is an experiment to migrate a Spring Boot project to run with Rust built systems.
Add dependency to your Cargo.toml
password-encoder-for-spring-security-hashes = "0.1.0"
Creating a password hash:
use password_encoder_for_spring_security_hashes::PasswordEncoder;
use password_encoder_for_spring_security_hashes::encoder::delegating::DelegatingPasswordEncoder;
fn main() {
let encoder: DelegatingPasswordEncoder = Default::default();
let some_entered_password = String::from("SomeSecurePassword");
let password_hash_to_store = encoder.encode_spring_security_hash(&some_entered_password);
Checking if password matches:
use password_encoder_for_spring_security_hashes::PasswordEncoder;
use password_encoder_for_spring_security_hashes::encoder::delegating::DelegatingPasswordEncoder;
fn main() {
let encoder: DelegatingPasswordEncoder = Default::default();
let some_entered_password = String::from("NotVerySecretPassword");
let some_stored_password_hash = String::from("{noop}NotVerySecretPassword");
if encoder.matches_spring_security_hash(&some_stored_password_hash, &some_stored_password_hash) {
println!("(insecure) passwords do match");
identifier | Spring Security password encoder class | matches | encode | delegated |
o.s.s.c.password.DelegatingPasswordEncoder | ✅ | ✅ | - | |
argon2 | o.s.s.c.argon2.Argon2PasswordEncoder | ✏️ | ✏️ | ✏️ |
bcrypt | o.s.s.c.bcrypt.BCryptPasswordEncoder | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
pbkdf2 | o.s.s.c.password.Pbkdf2PasswordEncoder | ✏️ | ✏️ | ✏️ |
scrypt | o.s.s.c.scrypt.SCryptPasswordEncoder | ✏️ | ✏️ | ✏️ |
ldap | o.s.s.c.password.LdapShaPasswordEncoder | ✏️ | ✏️ | ✏️ |
MD4 | o.s.s.c.password.Md4PasswordEncoder | ✅ | ✏️ | ✅ |
MD5 | o.s.s.c.password.MessageDigestPasswordEncoder (md5) | ✅ | ✏️ | ✅ |
SHA-1 | o.s.s.c.password.MessageDigestPasswordEncoder (sha-1) | ✏️ | ✏️ | ✏️ |
SHA-256 | o.s.s.c.password.MessageDigestPasswordEncoder (sha-256) | ✏️ | ✏️ | ✏️ |
noop | o.s.s.c.password.NoOpPasswordEncoder | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
sha256 | o.s.s.c.password.StandardPasswordEncoder | ✏️ | ✏️ | ✏️ |
Note: there will be no 100% feature matching to the Spring Security implementation, especially custom configuration of each encoder is not planned to be implemented.
✏️: implementation planned / work in progress
✅: implemented
"Spring", "Spring Boot" and "Spring Security" are trademarks of Pivotal Software, Inc.