Some of the stuff in here is stuff that I wrote myself and am to lazy to put in it's own repo, other stuff is versions that aren't (or weren't at some point) availible in the regular protage tree.
Just run eselect repository add ahferroin7-overlay git
to add the overlay to your system.
To use this with layman, you need to update your layman configuration to point at as an additional unsigned overlay list.
Currently, the things I've wrtten in here are:
- app-portage/check-reboot: Check to see if we've updated any of a set of packages and thus need to reboot.
- app-portage/portage-systemd-timers: Assorted systemd timers and services to automate common Portage tasks.
- app-shells/powerline-service: Per-user Powerline daemons as OpenRC services.
- sys-apps/auto-swap: An initscript to do advanced swapfile setup.
- sys-apps/kdump-init: A simple (and somewhat naieve) initscript to set up and run kernel crash dumps.
- sys-apps/mm-init-scripts: A collection of init scripts to set up various Linux memory management features.
- sys-apps/zram-swap: An initscript to setup swap on a compressed ramdisk.
- sys-fs/fscleaner: A cron job to automate basic filesystem maintnence tasks.