: main page. Please install it manually.FORM
: main page and GitHub. It can be installed automatically viaJuliaBinaryWrappers/FORM_jll.jl
should be installed firstly.
import Pkg
or in the Julia REPL via
]add https://github.com/zhaoli-IHEP/SymEngineExt.jl.git
Then install FeAmGen.jl
import Pkg
or in the Julia REPL via
]add https://github.com/zhaoli-IHEP/FeAmGen.jl.git
This package can be used for the following missions.
- Generate scalar integral (example:
) - Generate scalar integral with irreducible numerators (example:
) - Generate tensor integral (example:
) - Generate process amplitude (examples:
Generate input files for the specific process according to generic seed process file and model directory.
For example
digest_seed_proc( "seed_proc.yaml", "Models" )
Generate diagrams and amplitudes according to the process input file previously generated and the model directory.
For example,
generate_amp( "parton_parton_TO_parton_t_0Loop/b_u_TO_d_t.yaml", "Models" )
Generate expressions for the given YAML file. The specific usages are shown in the test examples.
The results contain amplitudes in file amplitude_diagram<number>.out
and the Feynman diagrams in file visual_diagram<number>.tex
Explicitly one could use lualatex visual_diagram<number>.tex
to generate PDF file with tikz-feynman.sty
Here we use directly the UFO model files stored in the <model directory>
If the UFO model files are based on Python2, one can convert them into Python3 scripts by using the script 2to3
, which may be found in for example Python-3.8.1/Tools/scripts
Package PyCall.jl
can be build with relevant version of Python. The method can be found in its GitHub homepage.
Full documentation can be generated by using julia make.jl
in docs