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A Slate plugin to suggestion replacements or actions based on input. Useful for implementing autocomplete suggestions by node type.


With npm:

npm install --save slate-autocomplete

With yarn:

yarn add slate-autocomplete

You will need to have installed slate as a dependency already.


Define your custom plugin:

With static suggestions:

import autoCompletePlugin from 'slate-autocomplete'

const suggestions = [

export default autoCompletePlugin({
  resultSize: 5,
  totalText: true,
  shouldHandleNode: (editor, currentNode) => true,
  onEnter: (suggestion, editor) => {
    replaceCurrentText(editor, suggestion)

With dynamic suggestions:

import autoCompletePlugin from 'slate-autocomplete'

export default autoCompletePlugin({
  renderPortal: (Portal, props) => (
      {names => (<Portal {...props} suggestions={names} />)}
  shouldHandleNode: (editor, currentNode) => true,
  totalText: false,
  onEnter: (suggestion, editor) => {
    replaceCurrentText(editor, suggestion)

In this case, you need define renderPortal instead of suggestions.

import customPlugin from 'your_plugin_path'
import { Editor } from 'slate-react'

const Example = ({ value, onChange, renderNode }) => (
    {plugins.filter(({ component }) => !!component).map(({ component: Comp }, index) => <Comp key={index} />)}
Option Type Optional Description
suggestions Array Yes An array of suggestions.
totalText Boolean Yes A boolean used to kwow if the suggestions should be applied to complete node text or only to the current word.
resultSize Number Yes An optional number use to set size of suggestion result.
renderPortal Function Yes A function use to wrap the portal component with dynamics suggestions.
onEnter Function No A function use to handle return/enter keypress to append suggestion into editor.
shouldHandleNode Function No A function use to know if the current slate node should be handled.


Clone the repository and then run:

yarn storybook

You should see something like:


If you have some idea/suggestion or you found an error, please, let me know sending me an email: [email protected] or creating a new issue.